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i didn't like how my other sick oneshot turned out so i deleted that and here's a new one


There's a knock at the hotel room door.

"Shit," Mark curses under his breath when he sees Scott grumbling as a result of the knocking.

Mark answers the door, barely cracking it open. "Hey, Mitch," he says, closing the door behind him.

"Hey!" Mitch says. "I was just picking Scotty up for brunch." He says. "Is he ready?"

"He's actually been up sick all night," Mark explains. "He didn't tell me you two had plans, otherwise I would have texted you."

Mitch frowns. "Poor Scotty," he says. "I hope he's better before we have to leave town tomorrow."

Mark nods shakily. "Me too," he says. "I just want him to get lots of rest for now."

Mitch nods. "Of course. See you tomorrow!" Mitch says, before heading back to his room.

Mark heads back into the room, smiling when he sees Scott was able to fall back asleep.

He walks to Scott's side of the bed, where Scott is facing the window of the hotel room, and kneels in front of Scott. "Hey, angel." Mark coos softly, running a hand along Scott's arm and shoulder. "You should try to eat something."

"Mm-mm," Scott hums, stubborn. "Don't feel good." He slowly opens his eyes.

"Can I make you some chicken broth?" Mark kisses Scott's forehead. "I'm really sorry you're not feeling well, baby."

Scott sighs. "We can try chicken broth," he mumbles, closing his eyes again.

"Text me if you need anything, okay?" Mark asks.

No response. Scott is already asleep again.

Mark nods sympathetically, getting up and leaving the hotel room to go to the nearest grocery store.

While he's out, he gets a text.

scotty❤️: don't bother w/ the chicken broth
scotty❤️: i just got sick again

Mark frowns as he texts back.

marky☺️: i'll get some for later
marky☺️: i'm so so sorry you're feeling bad baby

scotty❤️: i could be worse
scotty❤️: i have a really sexy nurse taking care of me so there are advantages to being sick

Mark snorts.

marky☺️: you're a dork:)

scotty❤️: your dork
scotty❤️: now get back here and nurse me back to health :( i miss you

marky☺️: i'll be back soon babe. try to get some shuteye and before you know it i'll be back

And Mark is right.

Scott wakes up to the rustling of grocery bags.

Mark notices Scott is awake, and rushes to his side.

"Hey, baby," Mark smiles softly. "Good to know you're not too far gone if that wit of yours is still there," he teases.

"What? Me calling you sexy?" Scott wiggles his eyebrows, laughs, but that just accentuates the lovely headache he's got going on at the moment. "Don't make me laugh, Marky. Hurts. You are sexy. That's not wit, it's just fact."

Mark laughs, and Scott smiles. Even when he feels like literal shit, making Mark laugh makes him so happy.

"Well for the record, you're sexy too, in case you've forgotten," Mark points out.

"Oh yeah, I'm the epitome of sex appeal right now," Scott grumbles, tucking himself further under his blanket—enough so that it's just his eyes and nose peeking over the edge. "Baby? Will you put on a movie?" He says, muffled in the blanket.

Mark kisses Scott's nose. "Sure, angel. Want your laptop so you can pick something and we can cuddle?"

"Mhm," Scott says, and Mark can hear the defeat and exhaustion in his voice.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Mark kisses Scott's hair before going to find his laptop.

Mark arrives back with Scott's laptop, ready to press play on Moana. "Did you want Moana or Tangled?" Mark asks.

Scott smiles at Mark. "Moana, thank you, Marky. You know me so well."

Mark climbs into bed next to Scott. Is he chancing getting sick? Technically, yes, but his immune system has always been super strong. Scott's never gotten him sick once.

"I love you," Mark says, as he cuddles closer. "I'll take care of you as long as you need."

Scott smiles. Mark loves him so unconditionally. "Thank you for being you," he says. "I love you."

"Because I'm your sexy nurse?" Mark giggles.

Scott's smile grows. "That's certainly a bonus," he says.

They watch the movie, and Mark notices Scott hasn't gotten sick the whole time.

"Want me to try to make you some chicken broth, honey?" Mark asks, right as the credits end.

Scott nods, but sighs. "I don't wanna get sick again. I hate throwing up."

Mark starts to get up. "I know, angel," he says. "But it seems you're getting a little bit of your energy back, so you'll hopefully be able to keep this down."

Mark warms up the chicken broth, and Scott eats it. He wishes he was able to eat something with more substance, but he wants to start small.

"Thank you for taking such good care of me, sweetheart." Scott says as he lays down, ready for another nap.

"Of course, angel." Mark says. "We're in this for better or for worse, right? In sickness and in health?"

Scott smiles. "You're sweet. I love you."

"I love you too, Scotty. Now, rest up, because we're on the road again tomorrow."

And as Scott slips his eyes shut, he's never been so thankful to have someone like Mark in his life, here to take care of him and love him when he needs it.

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