color (part 2)

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"If you're here, that means you've recently found your soulmate! Congratulations!"

Scott and Mark are at a class to learn the names of colors.

"Please look at the swatches in front of you."

Mark grabs Scott's hand under the table. Scott turns to look at Mark, a small smile on his face.

"Today we'll be learning the primary colors, with a few other basic colors as well."

Mark looks down at the swatches. They're labeled.

Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange.

Mark smiles when he sees the blue swatch.

"Scotty, look at me?" He asks.

Scott looks at Mark, question on his features.

Mark holds up the blue swatch next to Scott.

"Blue," he says. "Your eyes are blue," he smiles. "Blue is officially my favorite color."

Scott blushes, and he doesn't know what to say.

Mark pulls Scott in for a kiss, then, and Scott giggles against his lips.

When they pull apart, Scott laces their hands back together, leaning his head on Mark's shoulder, and sighing happily.

"We're going to start with the three primary colors," the instructor says. "Red, Blue, and Yellow."

As the class continues, Mark keeps on getting looks at Scott's eyes up against the blue swatch. He grins, loving the comparison.

As they leave the class, they walk out hand in hand.

"Excuse me?" The instructor says.

"Yes?" Mark asks, politely.

"I just wanted to say, I thought it was so cute how you kept on comparing the blue swatch to your soulmate's eyes. I've never seen that before."

Mark blushes. "When we saw color for the first time, the first thing we noticed was each other's eyes."

"That's so sweet," the instructor says.

"I don't know what color Mark's eyes are yet," Scott says, "But they feel warm. I just look at them, and I know I'm going to be safe and warm with Mark."

The instructor looks at Mark's eyes. "They are a warm color, yes. That color is called brown. It always makes me think of campfires," he says.

"Well, we should get back home," Mark says. "See you next week!" He says, and then they head out.

"What do you want to do for lunch today?" Mark asks.

"Can we go to that pizza place where you make the single serve pizzas?" Scott asks.

Mark nods. "That sounds so good."

Mark laughs at something on the TV, and notices the absence of Scott's laughter.

"Sweetheart?" He looks down at where Scott is snuggled up to him, and—

He's asleep.

"Oh," Mark chuckles quietly.

Due to the shaking of Mark's laughter, Scott cuddles closer, letting a deep breath out.

"My sleepy honey," Mark muses.

He ponders for a moment on whether he should wake Scott up to get to bed or not, then he remembers his back.

"Scotty? Baby?" Mark asks.

"Mmm," Scott buries his face deeper into Mark.

Mark giggles. "Baby, bed will be more comfy."

Scott sighs deeply, earning another laugh from Mark.

"You know I'm right."


They both sit up, and Scott is the first to stand.

When Mark stands up, Scott reaches for his hand.

Mark smiles. "I'm not goin' anywhere, my love."

Scott smiles sleepily at that, and Mark swoons.

They're quick to climb into bed, and Mark kisses Scott's nose, cheeks, jaw, shoulder...

"Baby," Scott giggles. "Baby!"

Mark smiles sweetly down at Scott. "Hm?"

"Why're you kissin' on me so much? I don't mind, I love your kisses, but I thought we were goin' to bed."

Mark leans in and kisses Scott once more, on his lips this time. "You're just so precious and perfect, honey, that sometimes I can't believe you're mine."

"Baby..." Scott blushes. "I'm not perfect. By any means."

"You're perfect to me, and that's all that matters." Mark gives Scott one more kiss, and then they drift off to sleep.

"Sweetheart?" Mark asks, biting the inside of his lip.

"What's up, baby?" Scott asks, walking out of the bedroom, into the kitchen. "Oh."

"What are these?" Mark looks at the vase of flowers.

"Blue hydrangeas," Scott blushes. "A-and some white roses, because I thought they paired nicely."

"Is there any occasion I'm missing?" Mark asks.

"Read the card."

Mark opens up the little card attached to the bouquet.

You said blue was your favorite color. You're my favorite person. Here's some flowers that are my favorite person's favorite color. I love you, honey. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you as my forever soulmate.

"Just because?" Mark asks.

"Because I love you," Scott shrugs.

Mark kisses Scott then—quickly. So quickly, that he earns a giggle from Scott.

"I love you too," Mark says. "So much."

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