tour tour tour

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Scott sighs as he walks offstage, giving his in-ears to the sound tech.

"That was great tonight, Scott!" Kirstie says, patting his back.

"Thanks," Scott musters up a smile.

He grabs his phone; notifications from Instagram, notifications from Twitter, notifications from Tiktok...

Mom: Have a great show, baby! ❤️

Scott smiles as he texts back.

Scotty: i did!! love you:)

Mom loved a message

Scott furrows his brows as he realizes he still hasn't heard from Mark. He heads to his dressing room and sits in one of the chairs.

scotty: did i do something?

He scrolls to their texts from last night and decides to read from there.

12:38 am

scotty: i'm gonna head to bed i think ! i love you❤️❤️

marky: i love you too:)

10:12 am

scotty: good morning babe!! i miss you!

11:45 am

scotty: look at this fan art someone drew!! it makes me miss you more 😭

*image attatched*

2:18 pm

scotty: baby? you ok?

5:01 pm

scotty: i haven't heard from you all day and that scares me a bit but i hope you're okay and just wanted to remind you that i miss you and i love you❤️


scotty: about to go on for my show!! i wish u were here i miss you:(

10:48 pm

scotty: did i do something?

Scott frowns at his phone. Maybe Mark's phone broke. He's never not heard from Mark for so long.

"Scotty?" A knock at the door—Mitch's voice on the other side. "We're heading for the hotel."

Scott groans.

When Scott opens the door to leave, Mitch is standing there, stunned.

"What?" Scott asks.

"You're a bit pissy today, is all." Mitch pokes Scott's side.

"I haven't heard from my boyfriend all day and I miss him and I'm worried," Scott admits.

"Aww, Scotty," Mitch chuckles. "It's okay."

"What if something happened to him?" Scott asks.

marky: hi angel!

Scott gasps as he looks at his phone. "He texted," he says.

"C'mon, Scotty. Tour bus now, texting later." Mitch grabs Scott's hand.

As soon as he's on the bus, he looks at his phone again.

marky: no you didn't do anything i'm so sorry baby!! my phone wouldn't send messages but it looks like they're coming through now!

scotty: yeah they are!
scotty: i'm glad you're ok. i miss you

marky: i miss you so much angel

Scott smiles at his phone. Mark is okay; all is right with the world.

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