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When Mark reaches over to his bedside table and his ring isn't there, his eyes widen.

Okay. Maybe you just took it off in the bathroom or something. No big deal.

He gets up and searches the bathroom, and the panic rises more with each moment. He even goes back to his bedroom dresser, opening up drawers and searching.

Not in the bathroom...not on the bedroom dresser....where the hell is it?

"Marky?" A quiet voice asks.

Mark looks over and his heart pounds in his chest when he sees his favorite face.

Scott has a small pout on his lips. "What are you doing? Bed is cold...come cuddle."

"Looking for something...." Mark trails off.

"Looking for what?"

Mark just shrugs it off and gets back into bed. "You said the bed was cold?" He asks.

"Yeah," Scott says. "C'mere." He makes grabby hands at Mark.

Mark giggles and settles in Scott's arms. "Better?" He asks.

"Yeah," Scott says, content. "Always better with you, Marky."

Mark feels his heart pounding as he thinks about his ring. Where the hell is it?

His eyes scan the room, he wonders if he put it somewhere else. Not on the stand where the TV is, not on the clothes dresser, not on the—

"Baby? Are you okay?"

Mark relaxes a bit at the sound of Scott's voice. "Yeah, why?"

Scott kisses Mark's shoulder. "You're tense and your breathing is erratic. Are you okay?" He asks again.

Mark supposes he should tell him now. "I, um, I must have taken my ring off in a weird place last night...I can't find it."

"Oh." Scott says. "Well, that's okay. We'll find it. Don't worry about it, Marky."

They spend the next 2 and 1/2 hours tearing the house apart, looking for Mark's ring.

"Scotty," Mark turns to Scott and his lip quivers. "It's not here." He starts to cry. He runs over to Scott, hugging him close. "I am so so sorry, Scotty. I was being so careful!"

"Hey, it's okay. It'll turn up. And if not, I'll buy you a new one," Scott kisses Mark's forehead. "I promise, it'll be okay."

"It won't have the same special meaning to it, though..." Mark says.

Scott nods. "I know," he says, "But, it's better than no ring at all, right?"

Mark nods slowly, a few more tears slipping out.

"Why don't we go get some lunch, and then come back and look?" Scott offers. "My treat." He grabs Mark's hand, kissing his ring finger.

Mark nods. "That's a good idea," he says.

"Marky, you can't be mad at me."

Mark looks up from his menu at Scott.

"I wasn't planning on doing this until later, but you could use some cheering up."

Mark tilts his head slightly.

Scott grabs Mark's hand. "I proposed to you one year ago today," Scott says, "And since it's been a full year, I have a question for you."

"What is it?" Mark asks.

"Will you marry me?" Scott asks, a cheesy smile on his face, and Mark knows he's up to no good.

"Yes." Mark says flatly. "I said that a year ago."

Scott laughs, kisses Mark's ring finger before speaking again, "I just wanted to make sure you were still on board."

"Why wouldn't I be—?"

"I thought it would be cute to ask you again," Scott admits. "But then you woke up this morning and you were really upset about your missing ring...so now I need to apologize." He says sheepishly.

"What for?" Mark asks.

Scott reaches into his pocket, and pulls out Mark's ring.

Mark gasps. "Y-you? You had it the whole time?"

Scott shrugs. "Sorry, Marky."

"What were you thinking?!?"

"I wanted to propose...again!" Scott says. "I thought it would be cute!"

Mark pouts. "You couldn't have done it without the ring?"

"It's symbolic." Scott puts the ring on Mark's finger. "There," he says. "Much better."

"You're lucky I love you," Mark says, before giggling and leaning in to kiss Scott.

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