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some au of high school sweethearts while wedding week dies down 💕


Scott is sitting on his balcony, doing some homework, when he hears it.


Scott looks down on the street to the source of the sound, smiling when he sees his boyfriend, Mark.

"Hi, sweetheart!" Scott says. "What a nice surprise," he smiles, and Mark giggles as he catches up to Scott.

"Need some company?" Mark asks, teasingly.

"Yeah, baby, climb on up," Scott smiles down at him.

Mark climbs up the tree in Scott's backyard, successfully making his way to the top.

Scott grabs Mark's hand and helps him onto the balcony, leaning in to kiss him once he's up there and safe.

"Baby," Mark breathes, once the kiss ends.

"What, sweetheart?" Scott chuckles. "Here, we can go into my room? It'll be more comfortable," he says, picking up his laptop.

"Uh, yeah. Let's go inside, it's a little hot," Mark says.

Scott notices Mark isn't quite himself. "Are you okay, babe?" He asks, grabbing Mark's hand and guiding him into his room.

"Yeah, thanks, baby, it's just, uh, UCLA emailed." He says. "Did they email you?" He asks hopefully.

"I haven't checked, hang on," Scott sits down on his bed, opening his laptop back up.

He lets out a shaky breath.

"Yeah, sweetheart, they emailed." He says.

Mark lets out a shaky breath of his own. "Are we ready for this?" He asks, pulling out his phone.

Scott blinks a few times. "Before we log on, Marky, can I tell you something?"

Mark nods, setting his phone down. "Anything," he answers honestly.

"Just...whatever happens, if one of us get in, or, neither of us do...I will continue to love you if we have to go to separate colleges," Scott says. "I love you so much, baby," he hugs Mark.

Mark feels the prickling of tears in his eyes at the thought of not going to college with Scott—although the tears don't fall. "I love you too, angel," he says.

"Okay," Scott exhales. "Are we ready?"

Mark nods, a bit shaky now. "As ready as I'll ever be," he says.

Scott grabs Mark's hand as he opens his email, and Mark opens his.

Scott's eyes water as the words Congratulations! Welcome to UCLA! Appear on his screen. He's dreamed of going here since he was a kid and he made it.

He sets his laptop down and looks over at Mark, who's staring at his phone with an expression he can't quite read.

"Angel?" Scott asks. "What does it say?"

Mark turns his phone to face Scott, and that's all Scott needs before he's basically tackling Mark, tears escaping as he hugs him.

"I get to spend college with you," Scott croaks out, and Mark lets out a huge sigh of relief.

"You got in?" Mark asks, and Scott nods excitedly, and Mark kisses him.

"We get to be together," Mark smiles. "Scotty, I love you so much," he says. "Oh, baby, don't cry," he giggles, wiping Scott's tears.

"I was so nervous," Scott admits. "That...that we wouldn't get to be together."

"Well, those worries are behind us, baby," Mark kisses Scott's jaw. "Because you're not getting rid of me anytime soon."

Scott giggles cutely, and there's a knock at Scott's door.

"Come in!" Scott yells, taking Mark into his arms.

"Scotty, what is all of this squealing I'm hearing up here?" His mother, Connie, asks. "Mark? When did you get here?"

"Hi, Mrs. Hoying!" Mark giggles. "Scott was on the balcony and I climbed the tree."

"Oh, sweetheart, you can always use the front door," Connie chuckles. "Now, what's got you boys so giggly?"

"Mama, we both got in to UCLA!" Scott exclaims, and Mark cheers, kissing Scott's cheek.

"Oh, boys, I'm so happy to hear that! Congratulations!"

Both boys are giddy and giggly. "I'm just so happy we get more years together," Mark explains.

Connie nods. "I'm so proud of you two. I'll leave you to it," she shuts the door.

And in that moment, Scott leans in to kiss Mark, and Mark melts into his embrace.

"I love you," Scott breathes, when the kiss ends.

"I love you too," Mark says.

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