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some times the boys were just....well, read the title.


"It's my mom," Scott says, looking at his phone.

"Do I have to move?" Mark whines, snuggled close to Scott. "I don't even feel like sitting up," he says.

"No, no, you're okay, she'll probably think it's cute," Scott laughs, swiping on his phone to answer the facetime call. "Hi, mom!"

"Hi, Scotty! Oh! Hi, Mark!"

"Hi, Mrs. Hoying!" Mark giggles, waving.

"Oh, sweetheart. Call me Connie. Well you two are just snug as a bug in a rug, aren't you?" She asks.

"Yeah," Scott muses, happy. "We were just watching a movie. What have you been up to this week?"

"Landon had a baseball game so we went to that on Saturday, and that was the main highlight," Connie says. "What about you boys?"

"We went to the pool for the first time this year," Scott answers. "It's so nice here in LA. You have to come visit soon!"

"Yes! Please? We love you!" Mark says, and Connie laughs.

"I love you boys too." Connie says.

"Connie!" A voice off screen says. "We've gotta go."

"Oh, well, that's my cue—can I take a picture of you guys real quick? You just look so happy snuggled up together and it warms my heart."

Scott laughs. "Sure, mama." He says.

"Okay, 1. 2, 3, cheese!" Connie takes a screenshot. "Talk to you later, boys! Love you!"

"Love you, mom!"

"Love you, Connie!" They both blow kisses to the camera.

Connie hangs up and Scott puts his phone down. "I'm so glad you and my mom get along," Scott says.

"I really feel like part of the family," Mark says.

Scott picks up his phone again. "Oh my god, she posted us on her instagram story," he says.

"Let me see," Mark says, and Scott shows him.

Mark and Scott are both smiling, Mark leaning his head on Scott's shoulder, and his hand on Scott's chest.

Loved getting to talk with these boys today!! @scotthoying @markmanio 😍❤️❤️


Scott is fixing his hair when he hears a knock on the door.

Who would be outside my dressing room? It's not showtime yet, is it?

"Marky!" He squeals, upon opening the door.

"I missed you so much," Mark says, crushing Scott in a hug. "I know it's only been, like, 5 days, but...I really missed you."

"No, I'm the same way," Scott steps away from the hug, getting a good look at Mark. "You look great, Marky. I missed you. God, I love you so much," he grabs Mark's hand, bringing him into the dressing room and shutting the door.

Mark giggles at Scott's rambling. "I love you too, Scotty," he says, leaning up for a kiss. "I'm glad to be back."

Scott giggles. "C'mere," he opens his arms up to Mark.

Mark goes in for the hug, but that's not what Scott wants. "No, I mean—" he shifts so Mark's back is against his chest, "Like that," he says, wrapping his arms around Mark's waist. He kisses Mark's cheek and Mark giggles as he looks in the mirror at their reflection.

"You love holding me, don't you?" Mark asks.

Scott nods, a big smile on his face. "Pillows don't do it for me anymore," he says.

"Well, lucky for you, I love being in your arms," Mark reaches up to cup Scott's jaw, and that's when Kevin walks in.

"What is taking you so—? Oh, Mark is here!" He says. "I thought he wasn't supposed to come until Wednesday...?"

Scott unravels his arms from Mark, turning around to look at Kevin. "I did too," he gives Mark a look, "But he's here!"

"Surprise," Mark giggles. "Sorry, did you need Scott for something?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. We're ready for soundcheck. Sorry to ruin y'all's moment."

"It's not ruined," Scott reassures. "Marky, wanna listen to soundcheck?" He offers.

Mark grabs Scott's hand. "Yeah."


"Hey, cutie. Are you here all alone tonight?" A man purrs, eyeing Mark up and down.

Mark's eyes widen. "N-no! I'm here with my fiancé. See?" He holds his left hand up, "I'm engaged."

"Well they don't have to know, do they?" And then the man is reaching for Mark.

"Scotty!" Mark calls, and Scott turns around, noticing the situation.

"What's going on here?" Scott asks, putting an arm around Mark's waist. "Were you bothering my fiancé?"

"I didn't think you'd-"

"Didn't think I'd notice? Didn't think I'd care?" Scott asks, pulling Mark closer. "He's my everything," he looks over at Mark and smiles. "Don't bother us again."
He snaps.

The man walks away, putting both hands up.

Mark giggles when the man is away.

"What?" Scott pouts.

"You're sexy when you're protective, Scotty," Mark giggles. "My big strong man," he says.

"All yours," Scott says, and Mark giggles again.

Mark leans in to whisper in Scott's ear, and Scott's eyes widen, his face turning red.

When Mark pulls away from Scott's ear, he looks at him with a smirk. "What do you say?" He leans in to kiss Scott's jaw.

"Lead the way," Scott says, and Mark is happy to, taking his hand.

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