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"Bye, sweetie! Have fun with Scott!" Mark's mom says, waving goodbye.

"I will, mom." He leans in to kiss her cheek. "Remember I'm staying the night at his house after!"

"Okay, be safe, Marky!"

"Love you, mom!" He waves, before leaving.

Mark gets in the car, sitting next to Scott in the back seat.

"Okay! Is that my last stop?" Matt asks, reversing out of Mark's driveway.

"Should be!" Scott confirms. He turns to look at Mark. "Hi," he leans in, kissing his boyfriend hello.

"Hi," Mark muses. "Look at you, all handsome in your suit," he giggles.

"Oh! I, um, I got you this," He reaches beside him, passing Mark a boutonniere in a plastic case.

"Aw, Scotty!" Kirstin says, "Y'all will match!"

Mark accepts the box. "Thank you, Scotty. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything—"

"No, see?" Scott points to his own boutonniere already pinned to his blazer. "We'll match perfectly."

Mark smiles fondly at Scott. "I love it, baby. Thank you. Put it on me?"

Scott makes quick work of pinning it on Mark's blazer, and once it's on, everyone in the car applauds (except for Matt, who's driving).

"Cutest couple of 2023!" Sarah says, laughing.

They park at the school, and the 3 couples get out of the car.

They line up to present their tickets; Kirstie and Ben first, Sarah and Matt second, and lastly, Scott and Mark.

Kirstie, Ben, Sarah, and Matt stick close to the table while they wait for Scott and Mark to go in.

"Hey, Mr. Parsons!" Scott says, handing the teacher two tickets.

"Mr. Hoying," Mr. Parsons says, "You look dapper this evening."

Mark giggles, grabbing Scott's hand.

That makes Mr. Parsons stop in his tracks.

"Mr. Hoying," Mr. Parsons starts, "You are aware that there are no same-sex dates allowed at prom?"

Scott's eyes widen. "I, uh, I did read that in the policies, sir, but when I talked to Mrs. Henry about it, she said it was an old policy and that it hasn't been followed for years..."

"Ah, Mrs. Henry," Mr. Parsons writes the name down. "I'll be sure to have a chat with her. Now what I'm seeing here, Mr. Hoying, is two tickets purchased at the special discount reserved for bringing dates. And what I see here in front of me, is a set of same-sex dates. Is that correct?"

"Mr. Parsons, really?" Ben approaches the table. "Scott and Mark have been together for like...since they started high school. Can't you just let them in?"

"He's got a point, George..." the teacher sitting next to Mr. Parsons—Mrs. Kerrigan says. "We haven't followed that policy in ages. Times are changing," she says. "Head on in, boys," she takes the tickets. "Have fun."

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but you are too young to make these decisions in high school," Mr. Parsons says. "I can't allow you in."

Mrs. Kerrigan looks at Mr. Parsons. "The rule was a stupid rule to stop people from getting discounts on tickets if they weren't dates, George. Mark and Scott have been together for over 3 years. Let them in." She snaps.

"Scotty?" Mark asks quietly, looking up at Scott. "Is this even worth it?" He whispers in Scott's ear.

When Scott looks back over at the table, Matt, Sarah, Kirstie, and Ben are all joining in on the conversation.

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