talk about it

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They're dancing in the kitchen.

"And I'll just get you right..." Scott dips Mark.

Mark stands back up, giggling as Scott spins him, and he runs back into Scott.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry!" Mark giggles. "Anywhere I need to kiss better?"

Scott nods, puckering his lips.

Mark lets out another giggle as he leans in to kiss Scott. He places his hands on Scott's cheeks as he pulls away. "Better?" He asks, a smile on his face.

"Mhmm," Scott snakes his arms around Mark's waist, leaning in for another kiss.

Mark giggles when Scott starts to dance with him again. "Baby!" He squeals.

"Hm?" Scott asks.

Mark smiles wide. "You just caught me by surprise." He says. A beat, then: "I love you, you know."

Scott laughs. "I love you too, you know," he says.

"Will you dance with me like this at our wedding someday?" Mark asks, with a smile.

Scott blushes, but he smiles. "Of course I will!" He exclaims, and Mark giggles as they dance faster.

Both of them turn into fits of giggles, unable to dance anymore. Scott snorts, causing Mark to laugh harder.

Once their laughter dies down, Scott puts the last of the dishes that are still in the sink away.

"You ready for bed, angel?" Scott asks.

Mark smiles sweetly at Scott. "Yeah," he smiles, biting his lip slightly.

Scott really can't help himself, leaning in to kiss Mark once.

They head to bed, both pretty much immediately flopping down on the bed, causing more giggles.

"We're just two giggly girls today, aren't we?" Mark asks, and Scott nods.

"I think I'm just realizing that you help me live my best life, each and every day." Scott says, with a smile.

"That's exactly it," Mark says, his smile growing. "You help me be more...well, me."

Scott nods. "That't it, you put it into words," he says, and Mark giggles.

They get under the blankets, and Mark snuggles close to Scott.

"Marky?" Scott asks. "Did you mean what you said earlier, about us getting married?"

Mark kisses Scott's chest. "Yeah, baby. I did." He pauses. "We don't...we don't have to talk about it yet..."

"If you're not ready, that's okay!" Scott says. "We don't have to talk about it yet."

"Do you want to?" Mark asks.

"I mean, I want to. Do you?" Scott asks.

Mark squeezes Scott tighter. "Scotty, I'd love to marry you one day. When I pictured my wedding as a teenager, I didn't see a face at the other side. But now I do...and it's you, honey."

"Really?" Scott asks.

Mark nods against Scott's chest.

"Baby," Scott chokes.

"No! Wait!" Mark says. "Scotty," he muses, leaning up to kiss Scott's fallen tear.

"You have no idea how happy I am that you feel the same way, my love," Scott says. "I was so scared you saw an ending for us."

Mark places a kiss to each of Scott's cheeks. "I can't wait to marry you, someday." He grins.

More tears fall down Scott's cheeks. "I can't wait to marry you either," he says.

"Baby," Mark chuckles, wiping Scott's tears. "You don't have to cry. I'm here to stay by your side."

Scott smiles at that. "I love you," He says.

Mark leans in to press a kiss to Scott's lips. "I love you too."

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