in another life (part 2)

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Mark quietly walks into his and Scott's shared bedroom, frowning when he sees Scott isn't asleep yet; he's tossing and turning.

He climbs into bed beside Scott. "Hi, angel."

"Hi, baby," Scott takes Mark into his arms, relaxing. "Much better."

"Why weren't you sleeping?" Mark asks.

"Didn't have my teddy bear," Scott jokes. "I have him now, though." He sighs contentedly.

"Sorry, my love. I was finishing my song." Mark says. "It's all done now, though."

"It's done?" Scott asks. "Can I hear it?"

Mark chuckles. "Why don't we get some rest first, and I play it for you first thing in the morning?"

"I won't be able to sleep, I'll just be thinking about it all night!"

"Okay, okay." Mark starts to sit up. "Let's go to the piano, my love." He offers his hand to Scott.

Scott sits up, takes Mark's hand, and they walk to the piano together, sitting down on the bench.

"Play it," Scott says excitedly.

"Before I play it, can I tell you something?" Mark asks.

Scott nods, listening.

"This is that song I've been working on that's about you, Scotty. I hope you like it."

Mark puts his hands on the keys and starts playing and singing the song he wrote for Scott. The whole time, Scott is in awe. He feels his heart swelling with so much love for Mark, who seemingly can't be more perfect, yet here he is.

Mark plays the last chord, and looks at Scott. "D-did you like it?" He asks nervously.

"I love it, baby." Scott starts wiping his tears away. "It's everything I could have wanted. You're so good to me, sweetheart."

"Oh, baby." Mark kisses just under each of Scott's eyes. "Don't cry, please!"

"They're happy tears, Marky." Scott says. "Play it again?"

Mark chuckles, placing his hands back on the piano. "Anything for you, angel."

As Scott hears this amazing song for the second time now, his heart swells, he blushes, and he sighs happily. He's never been so at ease with a person.


They're walking to starbucks when they hear it.

"Mark Manio!"

Mark's grip on Scott's hand tightens, and he looks for the source of the sound.

Scott frowns as he sees Mark's discomfort. "You okay, sweetheart?" He asks.

" can just be a little intense sometimes," Mark admits.

"Hi!" A teenage boy runs in front of Mark and Scott, a wide smile on his face. "I'm Ethan, and, I just wanted to say I really love you, Mark."

Mark smiles at the fan. "Thanks, that really means a lot to me." He says.

"And you're Scott!" Ethan says. "You two are so cute on instagram!"

Scott blushes. "I didn't think anyone would recognize me," he admits.

"What? Angel," Mark places his free hand on Scott's chest. "You're my fucking everything, of course people were bound to start recognizing you. Sorry for my language," he giggles.

"Aww! You two are so cute!" Ethan says. "You, uh, Mark, you actually gave me the courage to come out to my family," he blushes. "And now I have a boyfriend, and we love listening to your music. Could I get a picture with you?"

"I—wow." Mark says. "That means so much to me, that I'm helping people. Yeah, of course you can get a picture."

"Want me to take it?" Scott detaches his hand from Mark's.

"No, no, I'll take a selfie! All 3 of us," Ethan says. "Say cheese!"

They take one with the 3 of them smiling, and for the second one, Scott leans in and kisses Mark's cheek, causing Mark to giggle.

"Oh my gosh, he's going to love these! Thank you!" Ethan says, and then walks away.

Mark smiles at Scott. "You're helping inspire people, baby," he says.

"What? That's you," Scott says.

"He wanted you in the picture and said I helped him come out. I'm sure seeing me in a happy relationship helped with that," Mark says, before leaning in and kissing Scott. "Now, about that coffee?"


"Ah, it's about to play!" Mark squeals, putting the car in park.

Scott grabs Mark's hand, squeezing it tight.

"Up next, song by up and coming pop artist, Mark Manio!"

Scott giggles. "That's you, baby!"

Mark squeezes Scott's hand in anticipation as his song starts playing.

Scott hears the first word make it through the speaker, and he's smiling, giggling, giddy and happy.

Mark bites his lip, smiling cutely, nodding his head to the beat.

Scott can't really help himself. He leans in to kiss Mark's jaw, cheek, and temple. He giggles quietly and then dances along, as well as he can in his seat in the car.

Mark giggles at Scott's dancing.

When the song ends, it's Scott's turn to squeal.

"My baby! On the radio!" He says. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. I love you so much," he smiles.

Mark's smile grows, yet he's still slightly in awe. "Did that just happen?"

Scott chuckles, leaning in to kiss Mark. "Yes, it happened!"

Mark blushes deeply. "I, uh, wow. I always thought I'd be bursting from the seams...but...I just don't know what to say. I'm in shock."

Scott just giggles, pressing more kisses wherever he can reach. "I'm so proud of you, my love."


Mark sighs. "Okay, I think I got everything," he smiles at Scott. "Ready?" He offers his hand.

"Yeah," Scott smiles back, grabbing Mark's hand. "You sounded so great tonight, sweetheart." Scott blushes.

Mark giggles. "Thanks, honey," he kisses Scott's cheek. "C'mon. Let's get to the bus."

They walk to the bus, and head to the back, where their bed is. They climb in, and Scott is quick to wrap his arms around Mark.

"I wouldn't trade this for anything, y'know," Scott admits.

"Hm? Trade what?" Mark asks.

"Touring with my honey," Scott says. "I love you so much...and, I'm so proud of you, and I couldn't dream of a better life with you."

Mark blushes. "Scotty...."

"I mean it," Scott says. "I've never been so happy."

Mark giggles, snuggling closer to Scott. "Me either," he says. "I love you."

"I love you too," Scott says. "So much."

"I'm gonna fall asleep," Mark says. "I love you," he mumbles again, before relaxing.

Scott looks down at the beautiful boy in his arms. How did he get so lucky?

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