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i really didn't know how to wrap it up so sorry for the abrupt ending lol


"Scotty?" Mark asks, his voice small.

"What's up, sweetheart?" Scott asks, a smile on his face, until he sees Mark's expression. "Sweetheart? What's the matter?"

"I'm nervous," Mark admits, looking down at his hands as he plays with his fingers. "I don't think I'm ready for tomorrow."

"What?" Scott asks, sitting next to Mark on the bed. "What brought this on, Marky?"

Mark sighs. "The fact that I'm head over heels for you."

"Me too," Scott admits. "My sweetheart," he chuckles, and Mark blushes. "I love you."

Mark groans and puts his face into his hands, frustrated. "I love you too," he says, muffled.

"So...we love each other. I don't understand what the problem is?"

Mark looks up at Scott and Scott smiles, grabbing one of Mark's hands.

"...What if your parents hate me?" Mark asks.

Scott laughs.

Mark looks at Scott, angry. "You think this is a laughing matter, Scott?"

Scott's eyes widen. "What? No!" He says. "I was laughing at the thought of my parents hating you!"

"Exactly," Mark says. "Your parents could potentially hate me and you're laughing!"

"No, sweetheart, that's not it at all," Scott chuckles. "I'm laughing, because they would never hate you."

"Oh, don't say that," Mark scoffs. "They could very well hate me."

"Give me one reason," Scott says, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not what they'd hoped for you," Mark mumbles.

"What? What do you mean, Marky?"

Mark sighs. "I don't do well in crowds. I have anxiety. I'm awkward around your celebrity friends. I by no means make as much money as you do. I..."

Scott pouts as Mark continues to ramble. "Sweetheart, stop it," he says. "They won't hate you. They already love you so much," he leans in and gives Mark a comforting hug.

"What do you mean?" Mark asks, although he still hugs Scott back.

"Well, I tell them about you." Scott says.

"You do?" Mark softens. "What about?"

Scott chuckles as he hugs Mark back. "Ways you make me happy. They love you already, I promise."


Scott parks the car, and leans over to kiss Mark's temple. "Ready, sunshine?" He asks.

Mark blushes at the nickname. "Yeah," he smiles, biting his lip slightly.

"God, you're cute," Scott leans in to kiss his cheek. "Last one. Okay." He says, and Mark giggles.

Scott leaves the car, walking around the front and opening Mark's door. "Milady," Scott teases, offering his hand.

"Something like that," Mark teases, and Scott laughs.

"I love you," Scott says quietly.

"I love you too," Mark says.

And before Scott can knock, the door's opening.

"Scotty, sweetheart!" A short blonde woman says, hugging Scott tightly.

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