bad day

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tw: racism

Mark enters the apartment, putting his keys away and hanging up his apron.

Scott perks up, turning his head to see Mark. "Hi, sweetheart!" He smiles. "I missed you."

"Hi, baby," Mark says quietly.

"Did you have a good shift?" Scott asks, and then he gets a look at Mark's face.

He looks like he's holding back tears.

"Marky? Sweetheart, what's the matter?" Scott stands up, quickly heading towards the door and hugging Mark close. "What happened?"

Mark's lip quivers and he lets some tears fall as he hugs Scott. "I have had the worst day," he admits.

Scott frowns, hugging Mark closer. "Wanna talk about it? Have anything to get off your chest?"

Mark nods, still tucked against Scott.

"Do you want me to help you find solutions or just listen?" Scott takes a slight step back.

Mark sighs. "There's no solution to really be offered,"

Scott takes Mark's hand, guiding him to the couch. They sit so they're facing each other.

Mark sighs. "I was told to go back where I came from," he starts.

Scott squeezes Mark's hand, protectively. "What?" He asks, angrily.

Mark just nods, a few more tears slipping out. "I served some old white guy, and the kitchen messed up his order, and he called me useless and-and told me to go back where I came from. At first I didn't even know what he meant—it's been so long since someone has been so rude to me about my race. But then he started listing down the Asian countries...'to china, japan, korea, wherever you came from.'"

"Oh, Marky. I'm so fucking sorry," Scott leans forward, hugging Mark once more.

Mark cries some more. "I just, I just wish people would s-see past r-race. W-why is it so bad if some of us look a little bit different than others?"

"It's not," Scott says. "Never has been. People are just elitist, baby, and I'm sorry you're having to deal with it."

Scott leans back on the arm of the couch, and Mark settles there, resting his head on Scott's chest as he cries a bit more.

"I love you," Scott says. "I love you so much," he leans down to kiss Mark's hair. "Next time if that happens, try telling your manager?"

"I did," Mark says. "And she kicked the man out, but, that doesn't erase what happened."

"I'm glad she kicked him out," Scott says. "He doesn't deserve to be allowed back."

Mark grabs one of Scott's hands, lacing their fingers together. He kisses Scott's hand, and gives it a gentle squeeze, a silent thank you. "I love you," he mumbles. "Thank you for being my comfort human," he smiles slightly. "You're like my teddy bear."

Scott smiles fondly at that. "First of all, if you ever see that man again, call me and I'll mess him up," He clarifies. "And second, I am so happy to be your human teddy bear," he chuckles. "I love you too."

"I hate people," Mark mumbles, letting go of Scott's hand and smiling when he feels Scott's arms wrap around him again. He kisses the closest thing he can reach—Scott's chest. "I wish we could stay tucked away from the world and just cuddle and watch movies and love each other. And not have to deal with people—racist people, homophobic people, people who don't believe in basic human rights..."

Scott sighs. "That's the dream," he says.

Scott notices Mark's breathing starting to even out.

"I love you, sweetheart," Scott whispers, and then Mark falls asleep.

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