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loosely based on a request from @Lavmarie05


Mark knocks on Marley's door. "Mar?" He asks.

No answer.

"Coming in, 3, 2, 1..." He slowly opens the door. "Marley? What's goin' on, sweetie?" He asks, kneeling at her bedside.

She's still asleep.

"Hey, Mar." Mark says quietly. "You gotta wake up, sweet pea."


Mark chuckles. "C'mon, Mar."

"Don't feel good," Marley mumbles. "Throat hurts," she sniffles. "Stuffy nose."

Mark frowns. "Can you try to open your eyes for me?"

Marley opens her eyes.

They're bloodshot.

Mark kisses Marley's forehead. "Let's get you better. Missing one day of school never hurt."

Marley just nods and snuggles closer into her blanket.

Mark closes the door quietly, and heads into his and his husband's shared room.

"Hey," Scott smiles at Mark, fixing his tie. "Is that my shirt?"

Mark smiles. "Yeah."

"You look cute." Scott leans in and kisses Mark sweetly.

"You're handsome," Mark smiles, helping Scott with his tie. "Mar's sick."

"Is she sick or is she 'sick'?" Scott asks.

"She seems to actually be sick. She was miserable. I called her sweet pea and no sarcastic comment!"

Scott's eyes widen. "Okay, yeah, she's sick. She's staying home today?" He asks.

Mark nods. "Mhm. What time are you home?"

"I'll only be gone for an hour." Scott says. "Just a quick meeting with our producer, and I'll try to get out early."

Mark nods. "Okay. Say bye to her before you go?"

Scott smiles. "Of course."

Mark puckers his lips exaggeratedly, and Scott giggles, leaning in to kiss him. "I love you." He says.

"I love you too," Mark says, his smile growing. That never gets old, even 18 years into their marriage.

Scott heads over to Marley's room, gently knocking on the door. "Mar?" He asks, cracking the door open.

"Papa?" Marley croaks.

Scott pouts at the sight of his 16 year old daughter. "Oh, sweetheart," he kneels beside her bed.

"Do you have to go to work today?" Marley asks.

Scott's sighs. "Do you want me here?"

Marley nods, a few tears slipping out. "Can you get dad in here?"

"Sure, angel." He kisses Marley's forehead. "I'll be right back.

Scott heads downstairs, where Mark is making a pot of coffee.

"Hey, baby? Our daughter needs us." Scott says. "Something tells me this is more emotional than physical."

Mark frowns. "I wonder what happened." He says. "Okay, one sec," he hits brew on the pot, and grabs Scott's hand before they head upstairs.

They head back to Marley's room, both kneeling by her bed. She still hasn't sat up yet.

"Hey, babes," Mark says. "What's up?"

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