christmas season (college au)

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"Hi, two for brunch please?" Mark asks.

"Sure thing, right this way!" The hostess says.

Mark squeezes Scott's hand, and they walk to their table.

They sit down in their booth, and order their drinks.

"So, who do you have left to shop for?" Mark asks.

"Something for Lauren, and something for Beckham." Scott says. "What about you?"

"Just something for my mom," Mark says. "I got her one thing but she deserves more."

"You're so sweet," Scott says, reaching across the table to hold Mark's hand.

"Two orange juices?" The waitress sets down their drinks.

"Thank you!" Mark smiles at the waitress. "You ready to order, babe?"

"Mhm," Scott says. "Go ahead," he smiles at Mark.

"Can I have the two egg breakfast please? Scrambled, uhh, with bacon....potatoes, and a biscuit? Did I cover everything?"

The waitress laughs. "Yep, that covers it. And for you?" She asks Scott.

"I'll have pancakes and sausage, please." Scott smiles at her, handing her both of their menus.

"That'll be out shortly," The waitress says. "You two are adorable, by the way."

Mark giggles. "Thank you," he says, and the waitress walks away.

Scott gives Mark's hand a gentle squeeze, and Mark sighs happily.


"What do you think of this, babe?" Mark holds up a sweater. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"Oooh, cute!" Scott exclaims, and Mark laughs. Scott starts to laugh too. "She'll love it, Marky."

"Okay! Is that everything?" Mark asks. "Did you get what you needed?"

Scott nods. "I think that's everything. Let's check out," He says. "Wanna get starbucks on the way out?"

Mark smiles. "You know my heart," he giggles, and leans in to kiss Scott.

They check out with their items, grab Starbucks, and leave the Target.

When they get in the car, Scott grabs Mark's hand.

"What's this for?" Mark teases.

"I just love you," Scott admits.

Mark smiles big. "I love you too, sweetheart."

Scott leans in for a kiss, and they start to drive home.


"Why is wrapping presents so hard?" Mark asks, crumpling up some paper and throwing it away.

Scott laughs. "It's not that hard, baby."

"Says you." Mark says, looking at Scott's stack of perfectly wrapped presents. "Help me?"

Scott giggles. "Sure, my love." He says, shifting so he's sitting beside Mark. "So, for starters, it's a lot easier to wrap if it's in a box. I have an extra shirt box if you want it."

"Yes please," Mark says.

Scott kisses Mark's cheek as he passes him the shirt box. "Put the sweater in there and tape it shut," he says.

Mark folds the sweater, and tapes the box shut.

"Here, now cut enough wrapping paper for it to go halfway up on both sides," Scott explains.

Mark cuts enough wrapping paper.

"Alright babe, now tape it so it's covered," Scott says.

Mark covers the box by folding and taping the paper.

"Good job, now, I'll do one side and you do the other. You're going to fold it like this, so there's triangles," Scott demonstrates, and Mark does the same. "Good, then you just fold this piece over, and that's it!"

Mark folds his piece over and tapes it. "That's it?"

"Mhmmm," Scott hums happily, leaning in to kiss Mark. "Want a bow?"

"Oooh, yes."

Scott chuckles, grabbing a gold bow for the present. "There," he says, and Mark puts it on top.

"How does a movie and hot chocolate sound?" Mark offers.

"Sounds perfect, my love," Scott says.


With Tim Allen as Santa and Martin Short as Jack Frost playing on the screen, and abandoned empty mugs of hot cocoa on the coffee table, Scott snuggles closer to Mark as he gets increasingly sleepier.

"You comfy, babe?" Mark asks.

"Mhm." Scott says, his eyes slipping shut.

"You awake?"


Mark laughs, kissing Scott's hair. "I love you."

"Luh you," Scott mumbles, and drifts off to sleep.

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