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scott and mark just havin' fun calling each other husband :-)


"Can I please have the grilled salmon, with rice and broccoli?" Scott asks.

The waiter nods, jotting down Scott's order. "And for your friend?" He asks.

Mark blushes, a bit shy. He gestures to Scott.

"And for my husband," Scott starts, "He'd love a cheeseburger cooked medium with fries, please."

"Everything that comes on that okay, husband?" The waiter looks at Mark. "Lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle?"

Mark nods, the waiter takes their menus, and they're left alone.

Mark's blush grows deeper as he looks at Scott.

"What'cha thinkin' about, baby?" Scott reaches his hand across the table, lacing his fingers with Mark's. "I order for you whenever I notice you're a little extra shy, what's different about today?"

Mark smiles. "You said I'm your husband," He blushes.

Scott furrows his brows. "You are my husband. We've been married for almost a month, baby. This shouldn't be news," he smiles.

"Yeah, but it's different hearing it out loud!" Mark giggles. "And then the waiter called me husband, and it just..." he trails off, unable to find words to express how he's feeling; "I'm just really happy to be your husband, my love." He beams.

"You're so cute, Marky." Scott chuckles. "I got the cutest husband in the world. Jackpot," he says, and Mark giggles again.


"Baby?" Scott calls, walking into the living room. "Babyyyy!" He yells a bit louder, then blushes when he realizes Mark has a friend over, and they're sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Scotty," Mark smiles at him.

"Hi," Scott says, a bit quieter. He leans over the edge of the couch, wrapping his arms around Mark's chest and shoulders.

Mark giggles, tilting his head up to look at Scott. "This is my needy husband, Scott." He says, although he has a smile on his face.

"Hi Scott! I'm Fiona," the girl smiles.

Scott smiles back. "Hi," he says, not letting Mark go. "I'll leave y'all to it in a second. Mark's right. I'm needy." He giggles.

Mark chuckles. "Wanna join us, honey?" He looks up at Scott.

"No, I won't bother you two," Scott leans down to peck Mark's lips, before letting go of Mark. "Do y'all want me to grab some snacks or drinks or anything?"

"Could you grab a bottle of wine, please?" Mark asks.

"Ooooh. Yes please." Fiona says.

Scott nods, heading to the kitchen. Moments later, he's back with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Thank you, my love." Mark says, leaning up and kissing Scott quickly.

"You're welcome, honey." Scott smiles at Mark. "It was nice meeting you, Fiona!" He waves, before heading upstairs.

"So that's your husband?" Fiona wiggles her eyebrows at Mark. "He's so hot! Well done, Marky!" She says, before laughing.

Mark laughs. "I still can't believe it," he says. "My husband," he gushes.


scotty: do u ever think it's insane that we got married

scotty: like we really said fuck it we're gay let's get married

scotty: like i have a h u s b a n d ???? hello ???

marky: :)

marky: you're adorable

marky: i love you :)))

scotty: like you're my HUSBAND???

marky: did none of this solidify while we were at the altar??

scotty: i just can't believe someone actually wanted to marry me :)

marky: 🥹

marky: of course i did baby!!

marky: i'd be an idiot not to🥰

scotty: fuck i love you🥹

scotty: hurry home i wanna cuddle

scotty: i'm cold :(

marky: it's july! are you getting sick? :(

scotty: no i heart is cold without you here

marky: you're such a dork

scotty: all yours:)

marky: 🤍

scotty: hurry home baby! i miss you! 💓

marky: i will. just sit tight, my love❤️

scotty: :) <3

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