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"What do you think?" Scott asks, looking up. His son, Ricky, is on his shoulders.

Mark reaches up to hold the four year old's hand. "This is going to be your new school," He grins. "We're touring it today so you know what it'll be like!"

"School?" Ricky tilts his head. "I already go to school."

"I know, angel," Mark says, lifting Ricky off of Scott so he can stand on the ground. "You're almost done with preschool. You're going to kindergarten!"


Scott laughs, as Mark tends to their daughter in the stroller. "You're going to big boy school now," he smiles, kneeling down to Ricky's level. He looks at Mark, to make sure everything's okay with the baby, before they head in.

"You must be the Hoying's!" The front desk receptionist says, a smile on her face. "Oh, what a beautiful family," she smiles. "Mark and Scott, right?" She asks.

"Mark," Mark introduces himself.

"Scott," Scott grins.

"And you," the receptionist walks around her desk, and up to Ricky. "Must be Ricky."

Ricky nods shyly.

"And who is this cutie pie?" She asks, bending down to look in the stroller.

"This is Layla," Scott introduces proudly.

"And will Layla come here when it's time?" The receptionist asks. "Oh my goodness, look at those cheeks!"

Mark laughs quietly. "Yeah, she will. She's only 10 months, so it'll be a few years." He pulls her out of the stroller, holding her up against him. "Say hi, sweetheart," he coos, and Layla looks around, wide eyed. "You'll be here soon enough," he grins, and kisses her forehead.

Scott smiles at his husband and their daughter. "Can we leave the stroller in here?" He asks. "She doesn't really get fussy. She loves Mark."

Mark scoffs. "She loves you just as much," he says, bouncing her.

"No, I swear, Mark has the magic touch with babies," Scott laughs. "If she cries, I hand her to him, and she always stops."

"That works both ways, babe," Mark says. "But, she should be quiet for the tour, if that's okay." He looks at the receptionist.


"I'm not ready for him to go," Scott pouts at Mark as they lay in bed.

"Baby, it's his first day of Kindergarten," Mark says, a slight chuckle escaping. "He can't miss it!"

"What if we put him on the wrong bus?"

"We won't put him on the wrong bus."

"What if there's a different bus driver, and it takes him to the wrong school?"

"Angel," Mark giggles, silencing his husband with a kiss. "That won't happen. I promise."

"It could..." Scott mumbles.

Just then, they hear Layla crying through the baby monitor.

"I'll go," Mark starts, but Scott stops him.

"No, I've got it," Scott stands up. "I woke you up early because I was worried. You can get a bit more sleep, I'll wake up Ricky, too." Once he's up, he walks over to Mark's side of the bed, and leans down to kiss his forehead. "I'll have coffee ready."

Mark closes his eyes. "Love you, honey."

"Love you, sweetheart." Scott kisses Mark's lips this time.

About 15 minutes later, Mark walks downstairs to see Scott is fully dressed. "Where are you going?" He asks, as he pours himself a mug of coffee.

"I'm gonna follow the bus," Scott whispers.

"Oh my god, you are so ridiculo-"

"Papa! I go to kindergarten today!" Ricky says.

Mark smiles down at him. "My boy," he murmurs, picking him up and placing him on the counter. "Are you excited?"

"Yeah!" Ricky grins from ear to ear, and Mark kisses each of his cheeks.

"I can't believe it, you're growing up," Mark coos, and Ricky swings his legs back and forth on the counter.

After breakfast for Ricky and first day of school pictures, Mark walks Ricky to the bus stop, and the bus pulls up.

"You know Papa and Daddy's phone numbers if you need anything, right?" Mark asks.

"Yes, papa." Ricky says.

"Okay," Mark kisses Ricky's forehead. "I love you! We'll see you at 3:00." He says, and Ricky hugs him before getting on the bus.

The bus drives away, and there are tears in Mark's eyes. "I can't believe it," he mumbles.

Just then, Scott pulls up in the car. "Wanna join?" He asks.

Mark wipes his tears as he laughs. "You're actually following the bus?" He asks.

"Come on! I'm losing it! In or not?"

Mark smiles wider when he sees Layla in her car seat in the back. He gets into the passenger seat, kissing Scott before buckling his seatbelt. "I guess. Just to make sure he gets there."

Scott giggles, and puts the car in drive.

They follow Ricky's bus all the way to the school, and even make sure to see Ricky get off the bus and into the school.

Scott grabs Mark's hand. "Our baby," he frowns. "He's growing up."

"Layla will be next," Mark smiles, looking back. His smile grows when he sees his daughter's sweet face. "Ricky's at big boy school today, princess." He says. "You'll get to spend a lot more time with Papa and Daddy."

Scott turns around. "There's my girl," he says, in a teasing voice, and Layla giggles, kicking her feet.

Mark looks at Scott. "Breakfast? Did you bring the stroller?"

"Sounds perfect," Scott smiles, leaning in to kiss Mark.

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