first night of tour

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"You changed the words???" Mark asks, the second Scott gets changed.

Scott blushes. "Guilty," he smiles.

"Every time I think you can't make me swoon more than I already have, and then you go and do this," Mark says, hugging Scott, and leaning in for a kiss. "I love you so much," he says.

"I love you too," Scott says, and when Mark tries to pull away, Scott doesn't let him.

"Baby," Mark giggles. "We gotta get to the hotel. Then we can cuddle all you want," he says.

"Mm-mm," Scott says. "One more minute."

"Okay, sleepy," Mark teases. "Come on, angel." He steps out of the hug, and laces his fingers with Scott's.

They head for the tour bus, and Mark sits on the couch, while Scott lays down on his lap.

"Good first performance tuckered you out, huh?"

"Mhm," Scott turns so he's facing up towards Mark. He smiles. "The crowd was so good, baby."

Mark nods, gently starts to run his fingers through Scott's hair. "I know, honey." He says. "They loved you guys so much."

Scott smiles sleepily at Mark.

Mark chuckles. "You have a good show, baby?"

"Mmhm." Scott closes his eyes.

"Don't go to sleep yet, honey," Mark says. "Then you won't wanna get up to go to the hotel room."

"Not sleepin'," Scott says. "Just relaxin'."

"Okay, babes."

Sure enough, by the time the rest of the band settles on the bus, Scott's breathing has evened out.

Mark chuckles quietly. "My sleepy baby," he says.

"Oh," Mitch chuckles when he sees Scott asleep. "Damn it. I wish I had a boyfriend."

Mark laughs at that, and Mitch finds a seat towards the back of the bus.

It's about a 5 minute ride to the hotel. Mark lets the band get off the bus before he wakes up Scott.

"Babes," Mark says, gently shaking Scott. "Babes, you fell asleep. Let's get to the hotel room, and then we can cuddle until we go to sleep."

Scott lets out a yawn as he wakes up, and smiles when he sees Mark. "You let me sleep," he notices out loud.

Mark smiles down at Scott. "Mhm. You're tired."

Scott rubs his eyes, and then sits up, leaning his head on Mark's shoulder for a moment. "Our stuff is already up there?" He asks.

"Mhm," Mark says.

"Mmkay." Scott says. "Let's go."

They stand up, and Scott is quick to grab Mark's hand as they get off the tour bus, into the hotel lobby, and into the elevator.

"Do you remember what floor we are?" Mark asks.

"3rd," Scott answers, pushing the 3 button. "Room 308."

"I'll never understand where you store this kind of random information after hearing it one single time," Mark says.

Scott giggles. "I dunno, it's just in here in my brain, I guess."

"Somewhere by the tiktok dances?" Mark teases.

"Mhm," Scott answers.

The elevator opens, and it's not far to their room. Scott flops down on the bed dramatically, earning a giggle from Mark.

"C'mon. Let's get ready for bed before we actually go to bed." Mark says.

"It's so comfyyy," Scott whines.

"Come on, sweetheart," Mark chuckles, pulling Scott back up. "Change into some comfy clothes to sleep in, brush your teeth, was your face, then we can go to bed."

"Ughhh," Scott groans as he stands up.

"You'll thank me when you're not sleeping in jeans," Mark says.

"Yeah, yeah," Scott says, taking his jeans off in favor of some sweatpants.

Five minutes later, they're both crawling into bed.

Scott lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

"You okay, baby?" Mark asks.

"Yeah. Just relaxin," Scott snuggles close to Mark. "I love you, Marky." He closes his eyes.

"I love you too, sweetheart." Mark says, turning off the lamp beside them both.

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