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all lowercase bc i feel like it


"marky?" scott asks, his voice quiet.

mark looks up from the work he's doing. "hey, scotty. did you finish your song?"

"not yet, i think i'll finish the bridge tomorrow," scott says.

"are you ready to come to bed?" mark asks.

scott bites his lip. "um....yeah, i guess i am," he sits at the foot of the bed.

mark furrows his brows. "you don't sound too sure of yourself, baby. do you need something before bed?"

scott looks down. "the song i'm's about how i felt during our first dance at our wedding," he admits.

"oh, honey," mark says, "that's the sweetest thing i think i've ever heard."

"and, and i was writing it, and it made me wanna dance with you again. we haven't really, in a while. i mean, not since our honeymoon."

mark thinks scott is being adorable. "you wanna dance, my love?"

scott blushes. "can we?"

mark giggles, before getting out of bed. "i don't know that sweatpants is quite dancing attire," he looks down at his sweatpants, "but, i'll dance with you any time you want, baby."

scott looks mark up and down as they walk into the living room. "i think sweatpants are perfect for dancing," he smiles, looking down at his own sweatpants. "anything is. all that matters is that it's you and me," and then he's pulling his phone out of his pocket, deciding what song to play.

scott plays a piano instrumental of never enough, and sets his phone on the table. "dance with me?" he asks.

mark smiles fondly. "always," he says. he wraps his arms around scott.

scott wraps his arms around mark. "there's that feeling," he says. "that feeling i'm writing my song about."

mark leans in to kiss scott's cheek. "how would you describe that feeling?"

scott thinks for a moment. "it's like...well, it's just like the first time i met you. you give me this look, the most fond look i've ever seen, and i just know everything is gonna be okay."

"i'll always make sure of that," mark says, smiling at scott. "i'm always here for you, sweetheart. i love you."

"i love you too," scott says, and mark leans his head on scott's shoulder.

"i love dancing with you," mark says. "i love when you hold me close," he continues.

scott pulls mark closer. "like this?" he asks.

mark's smile grows. "mhm," he says. "i love feeling safe in your arms."

"i'll hold you tight as long as i possibly can," scott says. "i don't ever want to let you go," he finishes.

the song ends.

"can we go to bed now, marky?" scott asks.

mark leans up to kiss scott. "yeah, baby. let's go to bed."

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