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Mark is crying at the end of the aisle.

Scott feels tears in his eyes, too. He can't help it. He's marrying the love of his life.

When he gets to the altar, Mark grabs his hands.

"H-hi," Scott whispers.

Mark smiles fondly at him. "Hi," he says. "You're beautiful."

"I love you," Scott says, but then, Mark is reaching out for Scott, screams being muffled by hands over his mouth as he's being taken.

"M-Mark!" Scott cries. He gets one look at the person who took Mark before he snaps his fingers and disappears into thin air.

It's his abusive ex, Nick.

Scott falls on his knees, sobbing, and-

Scott sits up quickly, trying to catch his breath.

Mark, who hadn't quite fallen asleep yet, frowns and looks over at Scott. "Baby?" He asks. "Are you okay?" He sets down his book and takes his glasses off, and sits all the way up to match Scott's posture.

"W-was it just a nightmare?" Scott slowly finds his breath again.

"Yeah," Mark says, running a hand along Scott's back. "Just a bad dream, honey."

"He took—he—he took you," Scott says, starting to lay down.

Mark lays down with him. "Nick?"

"Mhm," Scott says. "It was—it was our wedding day," he says.

"Deep breaths," Mark gently reminds him.

Scott nods, trying to control his breathing. "I love you," he says.

"I love you too," Mark smiles at Scott, cupping his cheek and running his thumb along it.

That helps Scott calm down immensely. "Thank you for being the best husband," he says. "You always—you..." he takes a deep breath, takes a moment to appreciate Mark soothing him. "You always know just what to say."

"I don't know if I'm the best husband," Mark admits, "Because you're an actual ray of sunshine in my life, each and every moment."

Scott smiles sweetly at that, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"So cute," Mark mumbles, before gently kissing Scott. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. And I love you."

"I love you too," Scott says. "I know you were reading your book...but, can we cuddle?"

Mark smiles at Scott. "Of course, sweetheart."

Scott lets out a small "Yes!" and some giggles, and Mark swears, he melts.

And with Scott settled in Mark's arms, they fall asleep.

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