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Mark parks the car, and slips his hand into Scott's.

"You ready?" Mark asks.

"Y-yeah." Scott says.

Mark furrows his brows. "You okay?" He asks, squeezing Scott's hand.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Mark gives Scott a look.

"Really!" Scott says.

"Okay," Mark says, not fully believing him. "Let's head in."

As soon as they get out of the car, Scott grabs Mark's hand again.

They walk into the restaurant, and up to the hostess stand.

"Hi, how many?"

"Two, please." Mark smiles brightly.

"Okay, right this way." The hostess says.

Scott and Mark sit down at the table, and Mark thanks the hostess.

Scott looks down at his lap.

"Hey," Mark reaches his hand across the table. "I'm really happy we could have a date night," he says.

Scott smiles at Mark, lets out a shaky breath. "M-me too."

Mark furrows his brows again. "Are you sure you're okay, my love?" He grabs Scott's hand, runs his thumb across Scott's knuckles. "You seem...out of sorts."

Scott sighs. "I'm sorry, Marky. I'm just feelin' anxious."

Mark frowns. "I'm sorry, angel." He says. "Do you want to head home? We can order a pizza and cuddle?"

Scott frowns, but he nods. "I'm sorry, baby."

"Don't apologize, Scotty. We all get anxious sometimes. We wouldn't be human if we didn't."

"I just wish I could enjoy this date night you set up, but my heart is just beating fast, and there's so many people, and—I'm just overwhelmed today."

Mark nods, a pout still on his face. "I'm so so sorry, angel." He says. "Let's go home, yeah?"

"Hi, what can I get for you two to drink?" The waitress asks.

"Hi, we actually changed our minds—sorry for wasting your time—" Mark grabs a $5 bill from his wallet, handing it to the waitress. "Thank you so much!"
He says.

"Oh, okay?" The waitress says. "Have a great rest of your day."

Mark and Scott leave the restaurant, and get in the car. "I'm sorry you're having a rough day, baby." Mark says, leaning in to kiss Scott's cheek. He grabs Scott's hand, and begins to drive.

When they get home, they change into some cozy clothes, Mark orders a pizza online, and they cuddle on the couch.

"You feelin' any better, baby?" Mark asks.

"Yeah. This is so much better. Thank you, Marky." Scott cuddles closer to Mark.

"Did anything bring on this anxiety, or is it just out of the blue?" Mark asks.

"Just came outta nowhere," Scott says. " 'm sorry, baby. I know you were excited to go out."

"Hey, look at me?" Mark asks.

Scott shifts so he can make eye contact with Mark.

"I'm not upset we didn't stay out, okay?" Mark says. "I'm just happy staying home, eating pizza and cuddling with you, as I am out all night, dancing the night away, or on a romantic candlelit date. Because in all of those instances, I'm with you, angel. The thing that made me excited for tonight was I get some quality time with you."

Scott smiles at Mark's little speech. "I love you," he says.

"I love you too, Scotty." Mark says. "Wanna watch a movie?"

Scott's smile grows. "Yeah." He lays his head back on Mark's chest.

"What do you wanna watch, angel?"

"Anything is fine," Scott mumbles.

Just then, there's a knock on the door.

"Pizza's here," Mark says.

"Yay," Scott says, nuzzling closer to Mark.

Mark chuckles. "Baby, I have to get up to go get it."

"Nooooo," Scott whines.

Mark laughs. "Sorry, my love. Can't keep the delivery man waiting."

Scott sits up, a small pout on his lips. Mark answers the front door and gets the pizza, and comes back to the couch, placing the pizza box on the coffee table.

"Let's dig in," Mark smiles at Scott.

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