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scott feeling insecure about certain things and mark making the insecurity go away:)


Scott plays with the scruff starting to grow on his chin, wondering if he should shave or not.

"Nate? Can I get your thoughts on something?" Scott yells.

Then there's Nate, appearing in the bathroom. "What's up?"

"Do I shave or keep the scruff?" Scott asks. "It might look kind of cool, right?"

"Do you want to look like a lumberjack?" Nate laughs. "Shave it. A beard doesn't look good on you, dude."

Scott nods shakily, wondering why he thought it would look good in the first place. "Thanks, man."


Mark wakes up snuggled close to Scott.

He checks the time, 10am.

He decides it's time for Scott to wake up, too.

"Baby? Babe, wake up," Mark says softly, leaning in to kiss his nose, his forehead, and then Scott is shifting and the blanket is moving and—oh.

Scott looks really good with a little bit of scruff.

"Mornin'," Scott says, not quite ready to be awake yet.

"Mornin'," Mark reaches a thumb to gently stroke Scott's jaw.

"Am I getting scruffy?" Scott laughs as he rubs his own jaw. "Sorry, baby. I know it's probably not the best look. Let me go shave," he starts to sit up.

Mark sits up too. "What? No," he says immediately. "You look really good with a little bit of scruff."

"No I don't," Scott makes a face.

Mark furrows his brows, realizing there's something deeper here. "Why do you think you don't?" He reaches for Scott's cheek again, running his thumb along it. "I love it. It's sexy."

Scott's features soften, and he brings his own hand up to meet Mark's, lacing their fingers. "People just...people told me that it didn't look good growing up."

"What do you think?" Mark asks, leaning in to kiss his cheek, then his jaw.

"I always thought, just in the back of my mind...that it wasn't so bad? But I trusted other people's opinions."

"Well if you're going off of other people's opinions, go off of mine. It makes you somehow look sweeter and sexier than you ever have before." Mark says, and Scott giggles cutely.

"That's the smile I've been looking for," Mark says, leaning in for a kiss to the other side of his jaw. "You're not shaving this, by the way," he giggles, leaning in to kiss his lips this time.


Scott puts on a goofy smile as he takes a selfie with some of his friends.

"What the hell kind of face is that?" His friend, Katie, laughs.

Scott's face falls. "I, uh, was just being silly." He says.

"Now I can't post this," Josh groans. "Can we take a better one?"

Scott frowns. He hadn't meant for this to be serious.

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