tour rehearsal

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marky: 🥺
marky: you have no RIGHT to be so CUTE!! 🥺

marky: 🥺marky: you have no RIGHT to be so CUTE!! 🥺marky:

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scotty: aw haha
scotty: wow did ben post the pics already?

marky: not publicly but he sent this one to me:)
marky: my cute scotty🥰

scotty: stop it baby!! i'm blushing!!

marky: good:)
marky: gosh i can't stop looking at that picture. you're SO CUTE?? 😭😭😭

scotty: baby!! stop!! i have to go sing in a minute and i'll be all blushy🥺

marky: ok angel i'll stop:)
marky: how long are you rehearsing till? what time should i pick you up?

scotty: 10:00:(
scotty: i just wanna go home and cuddle with you and mozie :(

marky: want me to stop by rehearsal?:)

scotty: yes yes yes yes yes!!

marky: maybe i will :)
marky: you get a break for dinner right?

scotty: yes at 8

marky: we'll see you soon!!

scotty: see you! i love you! 🥰
scotty: wait what does we mean

marky: i love you too:)
marky: whoops that was a typo
marky: see you soon my love! 🥰


Scott looks up from his phone, his cheeks still a bit pink. "Sorry!" He says quietly, running up on stage.

"What's got you all flustered?" Matt asks, teasingly.

"Someone was texting Maaark," Kevin teases in a sing-song voice.

"Yes. I was. Shut up." Scott says quietly, and the rest of the band laughs.

"Your boyfriend? Gross. I'm homophobic," Mitch says in a serious tone, and then the whole group laughs.

"Okay, we should rehearse," Kirstie giggles.

The band rehearses for another 50 minutes or so, and when they finish one of the songs, Scott sighs dramatically.

"Have something you wanna share with the class, Scott?" Mitch asks teasingly.

"I'm just hungry and tired," Scott admits. "5 more minutes till dinner."

Just then, Mark enters the venue, with Mozart leading him on a leash.

"Yeah! There's papa, up on stage!" Mark says, in his puppy voice.

"Mozie!" Kirstie squeals, leaving her mic behind and running to pet Mozart.

Ben chuckles. "Breaking for an early dinner never hurt anyone!" He yells. "I'll let the team know. Go ahead and break."

The band disperses, and when Scott gets to Mark and Mozart, Kirstie is kneeling at Mozart's level, and Mozart is licking her face.

"Hi, sweet boy!" Kirstie giggles. "I know! So exciting! I know!"

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