Chapter 38 ✦ Last Day in Inazuma

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A STRANGE SOUND I wasn't used to gently rose me out of my sleeping state slowly, I peeled my eyes open

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A STRANGE SOUND I wasn't used to gently rose me out of my sleeping state slowly, I peeled my eyes open. After a moment I realized the sound was this very quiet wind I wasn't used to hearing and I looked up around me confusedly.

Oh right. We went camping in Snezhnaya.

The wind that blowed across a frozen lake sang different than one that moved through the trees and bushes. Because Paimon and myself had never camped out in Dragonspine I had never heard this specific type of wind.

My attention gets diverted to the warm and comfortable feeling of a body pressed against me with a weight draped over my side

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My attention gets diverted to the warm and comfortable feeling of a body pressed against me with a weight draped over my side. I hear calm steady breathing and suddenly remember everything that went down yesterday with a hot face.

I bury my face in my hands blushing from head to toe even though nobody can see me blushing in this tent right now but it doesn't matter! Oh my GOSH.

And he is so good at it.. freakishly good. It shouldn't even be legal to be that good in bed. He is a walking weapon in every way.

Okay Lumine.. focus..I have things to do in Inazuma today.

I peel one eye open through my hands to look up at his sleeping face and automatically forget about my tasks that require my attention in Inazuma.

His light brown orange hair is sprawled out across his face and I stare at him for probably way too long just to finally get it out of my system. Because I would never do this while he's awake. I take in every feature of his face down to his chest as if I wanted to have it all permanently ingrained inside my brain and then sigh, utterly unimpressed with myself.

When I decide that my staring has gone on for too long and that I've probably entered a creepy alert zone, my eyes slide down and I instantly regret it because now.. I have something else to tattoo in my brain.

No matter how many times I see him shirtless it never seems to get old. I don't understand what that's about.

Maybe some people would find all the scars ugly, but I don't. I find them beautiful. There are stories written all over his body and I want to hear each one. I want to literally sit there and sip tea and eat sweets while he explains where he got each scar.

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