2.2 ] New Terms

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SASHA HAS IGNORED me many times before. This isn't the first. This is, however, the first time it's gone longer than a day. 

She's so upset in fact, that she's cleared out all her food from the communal kitchen and started hoarding it. 

"Get her flowers," Liam shrugs, "Girls like that shit."

"We're friends stop giving me dating advice." I mutter. 

"Wait, still?"  Keagen blinks, sitting up from his bunk. 

"I just need to know how to get through to her. I understand why she's upset - but then again, I'd like it if she understood why I was as well." I ignore their remarks. Sasha and I have been mistaken for dating many times before, it's normal. Funny too. She'd laugh and shoot herself before ever seeing me that way. 

"Go talk to her, yell at her, whatever," Liam waves a hand, "Just do something so we can stop hearing this bullshit."

"Wow, thanks." I say dryly. 

"I saw her at the cafeteria last," Keagen shrugs, "She was on lunch duty so she's having hers now."

I ponder it for a moment. 

"Fine," I say as I stand, "I'll go talk to her."

"Great, thanks for doing exactly what I told you to." Liam rolls his eyes.

I ignore him and his complaints as I exit the room, on my way to find my rebel girl so that I can either resolve things with her, or maybe make them worse. 

Sasha changes her seat every single day we have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes she's in the centre of the room - or at the front, or at the back. Sometimes even, she manages to sit in the kitchen - which isn't allowed - but she manages anyway. 

Today though, she sits in the centre, alone, focusing mainly on her food. There are other people in here as well, some scattered around the room - but barely any compared to when it's the normal lunch time. 

"Ash." I say, sitting down across from her. 

She looks up from her plate and eyes me for a moment before dropping her fork on her plate and leaning back, "Well, well, well." 

I roll my eyes, "Say what you want to say so we can figure this out."

Her arms are crosses over her chest, face still in a glare as she stares at me. Then, she shrugs, picks her fork up, and resumes eating. 

She's ignoring me. 

What the fuck?

"Ash." I say. But she's still ignoring me. "Sasha."

Still, no response. 

"Jesus, I know you're immature but I didn't know you could act like a child." I cross my arms. 

Her eyes dart up to mine in that moment, "Do you even know why I'm upset?"

She's being eerily calm. Usually when we argue, she's on fire. I guess it's nice to not have to anticipate a raise in volume, but still, this might be worse. Scarier. 

"Tell me." I muse. 

"By belittling Margeux, you belittled me." She says. 

"How so?" I lean forward on my arms.

"We worked on Ian together. I provided information, she provided execution - and you acting like her involvement was messy only insults the part I took in it." She says, voice still calm, mannerisms unlike her. 

Okay so she's actually upset this time. 

"I'm not discrediting your work - not even Margeux's - I'm complaining about the sudden trust people have in her. It's unsafe. We don't know anything about this girl and she's already killed two people. Have you ever thought that it's weird? A normal person has killed? I understand the rest of us - but she's just a civilian. It's freaky." I explain as calmly as I can despite volumes of emotion rising in certain areas.

Sasha stares for a moment before she starts to laugh. Laugh. Like hysterically. I gape at her, not knowing what to do. I guess a laugh is good? I haven't seen one from her in so long - I'm just very, very, confused. 

"Of course she's a freak you idiot!" Sasha laughs harder, wiping her eyes, "I mean the girl doesn't even care about pay or jobs - she's just here for the ride. It's hilarious." 

I...I don't know what to say.

"I know the real reason you're upset," Sasha leans in, chin clasped in both of her hands, "You're jealous."

I instantly lean back, "No I'm not."

"You so are."

"What's there to be jealous of?" I grumble, crossing my arms. 

She pauses and takes me in before shifting in her seat and leaning forward on the table. "You want me to yourself."

She really doesn't know how good she sounds right now, does she?

I scoff, "You're my best friend not my pet."

"Am I?" She tilts her head.


"Your best friend. Am I?" She repeats. 

My eyebrows draw together in confusion, "Yeah?"

"Then fucking deal with Margeux." She glares. 

I roll my eyes, "You barely know her and I already feel like she's taken you from me."

"Oh?" Her smirk is angry instead of teasing this time, "So you are jealous?"

"That's not what I meant." I sigh, lowering my head.

"Shame," She says evenly, "Because if you're not jealous then you're just acting stupid."

"This is so small Ash," I shake my head, "This is such a small thing to fight over."

"Maybe," She shrugs, "But still. You're making it more difficult the more you ignore my requests."

"Fine," I cross my arms, "I'll play nice with miracle girl."

"She doesn't like being called that." Sasha points out.

"Do I look like I..." I trail off when seeing her angry stare shooting daggers at me again before clearing my throat, "Fine. Margeux."

"Very good." She grins, clasping her hands together and laying her head on top of them. 

I avert eye contact, not liking the way her eyes assess me. It's too intimate. Too daunting. 


LMAOOO they're in love.

Elliot and Sasha having a stare off in the cafeteria:

Elliot and Sasha having a stare off in the cafeteria:

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- Juana.

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