5.6 ] Baby-Zoned

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WE HAVE FIVE names. Kenneth, August, Mila, Jace, and Leanna. Five people from some department that doesn't matter, that we know nothing about that we are to go and kill with zero discussion and to then just fuck off home and sleep. 

I mean, that's what's expected of us. We're Team X after all - the perfect little assassination task force known for being the most consistent and formidable workers in this industry in England. Maybe even the world. But America exists, and they're wild. They probably have bioengineered assassins who can regenerate and shit, I wouldn't put it past them. 

However....ever since the nuclear incident. When we found out Director Hayes wasn't sealing back blueprints but instead stealing them from the beginning - we decided mission from now on would be more cautious. Of course Hayes doesn't know this. No one outside of our team does. 

But because of all these revelations - we've decided to do added research from now on. Not just taking whatever pictures he hands us and deciding on the spot the person in them has to die. 

"All I've found is their facebook pages." Vika shrugs when she walks back into the Team X meeting room with printed out papers and files. 

"Anyone found anything suspicious?" I ask to the room. 

"Nope." Margeux shakes her head. She's reading papers as she sits upside down on the couch, back on the ground and legs up in the sky. She makes it look comfortable. She really must be that bored.

"You're telling me these five people are the actual leaks?" I ask surprised.

"Damn. Who knew. We weren't lied to." Sasha stands up and stretches her arms over her head. 

"We can still talk to them when we find them." Elliot shrugs, "They work together. They'll most likely be together. We surround them, say something about the leaks - see if they fess up and beg. That's when we know we can kill him."

"Fess up and beg?" Sasha laughs, "That's vulgar."

Elliot rolls his eyes, "Like you're one to talk - you literally stabbed a guy in the eye and let him stumble into a fireplace." 

"I'm creative." Sasha frowns.

"Wait you did that?" Margeux is sitting up suddenly. It's comedic how quickly she gets entertained at the idea of blood and gore. I should be scared. But I'm choosing to trust her after the intervention moments ago. I'm afraid if I don't then I'll just be stressing myself out more - so fuck it. 

"Yes?" Sasha winces.

"I'm weirdly turned on by you right now."

"Oh I ship it, it's gay." I put my hand up. 

"I'm down, just give me two shots of tequila." Sasha shrugs. 

Elliot and Reign look to each other with mutual looks of exhaustion which has me wanting to laugh out loud. They're girlfriends totally want to fuck. Are they even dating though? Elliot and Sasha aren't beefing anymore, Margeux practically has Reign whipped - I consider that dating.

Now how the fuck am I one of the only single people in this room?

"Aww, are you two mad?" I pout, question directed to Reign and Elliot.

"No." They say in unison.

"It's okay babies - maybe you two can arrange something-"

"Alright, I'll shut her up before she starts a war." Vika slaps her palm over my mouth. I realise now that she's stood up from wherever she was seated and come up behind me in that amount of time. 

"So we're doing this?" Heather - the sensible one now - stands.

"We have the location." Vika shrugs from behind me, palm still on my mouth. I try licking her hand but it doesn't deter her. She just presses down harder. 

"Onward then folks." Sasha stands up, "I only have a seven seater since Team Y decided to take the niner - so someone is either in the boot or on someone's lap." 

I bite Vika's hand so she lets go, "Maybe Elliot should sit on Reign's-"

"Alright. You're on my lap. Let's go." Vika taps my shoulders, speaking to me like I'm some devious toddler. 

"Who's in charge of snacks!" I yell out as Vika ushers me out of the room.

"I got you!" Sasha yells back before I'm completely torn out back into the hallway.

"I feel like a babysitter." Vika mutters as she walks me out towards the car.

"Aww, baby-zoning me V? I thought we were in love." I pout. 

"Maybe stop acting like a baby then." She snaps.

"I'm not a baby, I'm a grown woman who thinks it's funny teasing grown men." I correct her.

She bites back a smile but I catch it, "Whatever."


Odyssey playing matchmaker with straight people:

Odyssey playing matchmaker with straight people:

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- Juana.

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