5.9 ] Smugglers

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EVENTUALLY AFTER REIGN has dealt with Margeux like she's some child, they come back in - with Heather - to help us. Sasha and I will deal with shipping these guys off like cargo - whilst everyone else are stationed at their families and loved ones houses. 

"Move people, move!" Sasha is ordering as we all scramble around with addresses and phone numbers - ships and planes leaving at the earliest times, ways to do this discreetly enough where Director Hayes believes us when we tell him they're all dead. 

"Sasha we have to leave now if we want to get that deal on time." I tap my wrist.

"Okay, okay, coming. You lot understand what you have to do?" Sasha faces the room as she hides her handgun inside her coat. 

There's like a single mumbled yes. 

"Morale people, I want to hear it!" She says louder.

"Yes!" Everyone says. Maybe because morale and coffee is what we need right now (especially the coffee) but also because Sasha was pretty fucking scary earlier when she popped off on these five random Canadians.

"Yes chef." Margeux says separately, stopping Sasha by the door. 

She rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless, "Imma miss you soldier."

"We're going to see her later tonight." I say, but they ignore me. 

"Here. I want you to have this." Margeux takes a knife out from one of her baggy pockets on her cargo pants and hands it to Sasha.

"Really?" Sasha's eyes sparkle.

"She just...she just handed you back your own knife." I point.

They ignore me again.

"Don't die on me." Margeux salutes.

"You know I won't!" Sasha calls out as we're halfway down the hall - due to me having to drag her out. 

"Stop flirting." I roll my eyes.

She licks the underside of her teeth, "Jealous?"

"Why are you all cheeky again? You were yelling at people seconds ago." I glare.

"Stop diverting."

"Stop flipping between emotions." I fire back.

"Oh El," She sing songs, "If you don't like me having an emotional bond around knives with Margeux, I'll drop it." 

"I'm not jealous." I roll my eyes.


"What's there to be jealous of?" I tease, fishing out my car keys and phone for maps. 

"Oh fuck you - that wasn't cool."

"I'm just stating the truth Ash. Why would I be jealous of my best friend having other friends?" I play into it further. 

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