2.8 ] Nuclear Pt 2

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LUCKILY THESE DUMBASSES didn't keep an online file. I figured they wouldn't have. It's easier to find things accessible globally than in a certain area - but still, worth checking. 

"Hey, Ash?" Elliot says, voice sounding a little distracted.

"Mm?" I hum, eyes still glued to the computer screen I'm now shutting down.

"You're gonna want to take a look at this." His tone sounds serious. Serious enough to have me looking away from the screen and drawing my brows in as I take a closer step to him. 

He keeps the file, the bunches of pages, but hands me one.

I take the page from him, reading over it's contents quickly before handing it back.

Okay. So. This is bad. This could be quite bad.

"What do we do?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say.

"We'll ask everyone else yeah? I mean the two of us can't make this decision." He stuffs all pages back into the yellow folder.

"Of course," I shake my head, "I mean I know what we should do. For sure. But yeah." 

Elliot sighs, "You want to burn it?"

"I think we should burn it." I nod. He reads my mind like that a lot. 

Our whole situation has just become nuclear. Literally and metaphorically. Pun one hundred percent intended. 

At the end of the day though, we work for who we work for. Willingly. Elliot and I may have been kidnapped for a short amount of time when we first learnt of this place - but we took the job in stride. We love it. The danger, the risk, the fun - the occasional knocking down of terrible people. 

What we don't like though, is being lied to. Told we're stealing back something that never belonged to us in the first place.

That's right.

Turns out that little picture frame? With the family? Wasn't some vacation. They're from Canada. These files belong to Canada. Not England. 

Do I want nuclear plans in England's hands? No. Canada's? Not really. I know I'd rather it in Canada's though. If I remember correctly, Canada has never nuked a place. Nor have they made plans to (despite this sudden file). England? Yeah. 

I remember they even carried out their experiments in Australia - which, a little selfish to be honest - since there was that whole situation where an atomic bomb, belonging to the UK, detonated in the Monte Bello Islands in Australia due to that hurricane like seventy years ago. 

We should definitely burn this file. Pretend we couldn't find it. 

The problem though...is that if Director Hayes somehow found out...he'd definitely kill us. Not in a parental punisher way. In a he would put an assassination on our heads kind of way. 

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