8.4 ] Well Then...

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DEXTER BROWN IS actually also a name I've heard before. During my early days here, always listening, always attentive. I'm obviously not surprised Reign also knows the name. It doesn't matter that his father's been hiding things from - he still has more knowledge than the average person working here. 

Team Y took over. Well, not officially, but it's obvious they will. The rest of the team told me about how Lincoln was the traitor. And I suggested maybe it was the whole team. That Lincoln just stayed behind. No one was happy to realise that. It just made us all more pissed off. 

The more angered we are though? The more rage we can fuel into our work. Into getting Dexter Brown here, into taking Hayes down and into...well, I don't know. For the longest time I really liked this job. I thought it was perfect. That is suited me. 

Now, I don't know. I still like watching others in pain. Being the cause of it. I know now thanks to that Henry guy it's because of...my past....or whatever. I know now that because I grew up with so little power - it was nicer to have some of it. I guess it's good to know I can't entirely blame myself anymore. I always thought I was a monster. I always pretended to be okay with that. Now I can blame some of it on my father. On the rest of them. 

So. Here's the plan. As simple and short as we hope to make it. 

Elliot, Odyssey, and Vika are going to go back to the headquarters. They're going to not bother acting normal - just strut in. Dexter Brown is meeting them there at six in the afternoon, and there, they'll present their evidence. 

It's enough evidence that Hayes will get fired, no matter his current power. Because he's been after Dexter Brown's job for years. And we have proof of that. And Dexter Brown is one powerful man, who will always want more power  - so when he hears someone is out for him? That they've also been stealing money?

Yeah. In this organisation, murder seems efficient. 

Reign, Sasha and myself will stay back with Antonio. He feels sorry that he's part of the reason I found Reign. He was also simultaneously impressed and gave me a hesitant fist bump. That was nice. 

Heather and Keagen are out setting up escape plans and routes from the blueprints we have in case things go south. That's another reason it's best Reign and I stay back. If the two of us went we'd risk being seen and...we're meant to be arrested right now. Not that Director Hayes probably doesn't already know we've escaped. 

I'm fighting if I ever get in his claws again. Because there is no way I'm going back to prison. It's depressing and dark. And sad. And I can't get anything done. And that was only what I went through. When I sw Reign again he was littered with bruises and was careful when telling me of the things they threatened to do to him. Careful like he didn't know how I'd react. It was sweet. Obviously I have a past with that sort of stuff, but I was glad to listen. 

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