6.4 ] Safe Space

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LATELY THERE'S BEEN a pretty secretive plan forming in my head. On instinct. Like a back up. Ever since the nuclear incident - and especially since the Canadians incident. Damn those people are so nice, it really sucks they got dragged into our shit. 

My plan consists of waiting. Playing the long game. Director Hayes is powerful enough that he's hidden in the government. He works for them, but he helps them, and so we need to find enough evidence to lock him up. 

It'll need to be something more private. More sinister. Something the government doesn't know about - and so for that, we'll need Heather's hacking skills. She can only do so much though. Get into computers. That's about it. Locked files are a no go with her and so are logins. 

We could try and find a different hacker. One we could commission. But this is so dangerous that we need to keep it under wraps. We can't have even one source leak. A different hacker could abuse that. 

I'm also planning on breaking into Reign's apartment. The one that isn't here at the dorms and also not at his father's mansion. The one he has solely for him. Margeux told me about it a while back when I asked where she had been. 

If Reign is there, then we can have a chat. If he's not, then I can go through everything and try to find all his own personal files he kept there. Things he has on his father he probably didn't want to let out before - but now? I'm sure he wouldn't mind given their current situation. 

Also if Reign is there I'm doing more than chatting. I'm beating his ass. Because he scared the shit out of me, he has Elliot worried even if he can't admit it - and Margeux is acting scary. Like she's about to snap scary. 

My excuse for leaving today so I can snoop through Reign's apartment? It's pretty damn good. 

"You're grandmother...is dying?" Director Hayes repeats as he looks up at me through his glasses. 

"Well I think," I shake my head, "My mother called me last night saying there was something going on with her - but she wouldn't elaborate."

"You hate your parents."

"I know!" I shake my head and agree with him, "Which was why I was so surprised she contacted me. We haven't spoken in...like three years? I honestly can't remember. But if it's about my grandmother, I think I just might have to go."

"You'll only be taking today correct? No longer?" He asks. 

"Of course." I nod. 

"Okay well...off you go. I hope your grandmother is alive." He waves a hand at me. 

"Thank you sir." I say before leaving. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do it. I'm an incredible actor - I should have just moved into theatre instead of murder. I'd be great at it. 

Thanks to Margeux I now have Reign's address. I told her exactly what I'm doing. Figured she'd understand. And she did, she handed it right over, and proceeded to continue tapping away at her laptop. 

Very fast might I add. The girl is doing extensive research - and I've never seen her care about research before, so that's concerning. 

Reign lives a good half hour away. Smart move considering you wouldn't want to be to close to where you work - especially when it's here

His apartment is locked. Obviously. When I get there, I have to use skills I haven't in a while. 

As the shadows danced around the dimly lit hallway, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small set of lock picking tools. 

With a steady hand and a focused gaze, I approach the locked door and let my trained fingers delicately manoeuvre the wrench into the keyway, applying slight pressure to create tension. 

Next, I carefully insert a slim pick, gently probing the pins within the lock cylinder. With expert precision, I manipulate each pin and search for the elusive binding sensation. Gradually, I feel the subtle feedback as one pin sets into place.

Patiently, I repeat the process for each remaining pin, listening for the faint clicks, sensing the lock's resistance slowly giving way. The tension in the wrench increases, and finally, with a satisfying rotation, the lock surrenders. 

Reign's place is kept and clean. Which isn't a surprise. He's him. It's also clear of any personal memorabilia like photos or...I don't know anything personal

It's pretty small too. Not really. Like it's big - but for someone with his money, it's small. One room, one bathroom - but massive amounts of space. I look for an office but am unable to find one - and so I search through his room intsead. 

There's a safe. 

Great. Fucking great. 

I know the instructions to break into one - and yet I never have before. I know that it's much more complicated then some lock on a door. 

But I try anyway. Because I came here, and there's no point in fucking this trip up over nothing. 

I also have a stethoscope I've kept in my bag for years, in case I ever need to use it. When I packed it, it was merely because of the what ifs. Now I'm actually going to use it, which is weird. 

I retrieve the stethoscope from my bag and place it against the safe's dial lock, pressing the earpiece against my ear. I turn the dial slowly, listening intently for the faint clicks and tumblers shifting within the mechanism, feeling like I'm at the front door again.

I twist the dial slowly, waiting and waiting - and eventually, I get four clicks. It's a jump scare when t happens. When the door clicks open. I had no idea it was a four digit sort of one. But here we are - and it's a damn good surprise. 

Then it hits me. 

My first time picking a safe, and I did it. 

I am Mother Teresa. Or God. I don't know. I'm just up there. 

In Reign's safe is an abundant of papers. It is definitely invading his space if I go through every single one of them...but the moment he ditched us, I stopped feeling guilty. 

It's time to see what dirt I can acquire on Director Hayes. 


Sasha feeling like a god:

Sasha feeling like a god:

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- Juana.

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