2.6 ] Emotionless

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"WHAT DOCUMENTS?" I ask immediately when enclosed in my father's office with him alone. 

"There was a situation," He explains, "Where important documents regarding illegal weapons were stolen. It is our duty to get them back."

"Which weapons?" I ask.

"It's confidential."

"If you don't tell me I'll just find out on my own." 

He sighs, "Nuclear."

"Huh. Thought so." I cross my arms and contemplate what this could mean. "Who's stolen the documents?"

"A base out in Glasgow. It'll be a trip but it's one we need to make, evidently. Can I trust you'll help with it?"

"What about the sex traffickers," I ask, "Is that in London?"

"Yes." He nods. 

"I can do it then." I shrug. 

"Good. I'll need you to always be in contact with me in case anything happens, okay?" He jabs an accusatory pen in my direction.

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes, turning to make my way out of the office.

My dad is usually more worried about what can happen when I'm put on a deadly case, and not how my life adds to that deadly factor. Which, you know, father-son things. 


I've been looking for someone for quite some time now. Just someone from my past that went missing. Both of my dads would probably be okay with me looking for them. They just...I don't know. I wouldn't know how to explain it all. 

The problem with my research lately, is that Margeux has kind of become an issue. With all the time in my life she takes up, all the annoyance she brings with her - and the constant egging feeling in my mind that has me feeling like I need to be keeping a closer eye on her.

Finally though, I have some time to myself. 

Time to think

And even with this time, with no interruptions, with all the resources I could need - I can't find what I'm looking for. No trace of them, no trail - nothing

I know they're in America. That's it. America seems to be introducing a large amount of problems to me - Margeux being one of them. 

I've always wondered if I could ask anyone in Team X if they would help me. I'm sure some of them would. I'm sure some of them could even find the person I'm looking for. But I've kind of been...put off. Paranoid. 

Because I did that once. Not really. I didn't do anything. Jeremiah, loved by basically everyone due to his charisma, found out. Stole the papers right out front in front of me - just like Margeux had. At least she had the common decency to return them. 

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