3.6 ] Euphoric

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THEY STAY SILENT for a little longer. All questions are asked. All are answered. Then they're staring at me. Not saying anything at all. So I take it as my cue to leave.

"I'm going to have a shower now." I state.

I get a slow nod from Keagen. A shaky smile from Heather. No one else says anything. I scan the room for Reign, find his eyes immediately and-


He's not...he's not normal. He looks like everyone else. Frozen. Staring at me. Scared of me.

But they can't be scared of me. No, they know this is apart of the job - they've been doing this longer than me. I thought they'd be impressed. I mean they were sex traffickers right? They shouldn't be fussing over my appearance right now. Or my manner. We should be throwing a fucking party right? Right?

I think a small part of me just cracked at the way he looked at me. Fuck everyone else. Fuck them. He's looking at me like everyone else now. It was the one thing he wasn't supposed to do. It was the on damn thing that made him special. That he didn't look at me like the others did. 

It's fine.

It's totally fine.

I'm on a high right now. I'm not going to let anyone ruin it. Especially not a boy with bright eyes despite his cold demeanour who laughs like an angel. I'm not doing that to myself. 

And so, with no further words, off to the showers I go. The walk is long. I mean not really but it feels long. And I can't help but feel I've done something wrong. Which is weird. Because I didn't change the rules. I helped. And still, I was looked at like that. And I can't understand why.


I heard everyone on the mics. In the ear piece. There were more. We were tricked. There's a traitor. Yada, yada, yada. 

I don't care. I take the device out, and stomp on it. Their frantic voices will only distract me. And I hear more coming. I have to be ready for them. 

There's a lot of blood. From previous kills and also from current ones. I'm working so quickly I don't even feel it. Everyone comes naturally to me. Where to stab them. What will work. What will end them in seconds.

I usually don't get to watch the light drown out in their eyes this quickly. Usually I like how slow it is. But surprisingly, this way is also absolutely riveting. Maybe it's because I've never tried it this way before.

The blood landing on my face and on my clothes is sticky. It makes noises and squelches every time it even shuffles a little. The feeling is uncomfortable. The texture. But it's like an art. I love it. I love the evidence of it all. 

I love the way that when I emerge from around a corner, a man looks at me horrified. Too horrified to shoot quick enough. Far too scared. That's his downfall. 

The rest is a haze. A haze coloured red and blue, purple and green, permanent, and dead.


I sigh and crack my knuckles as I drop my basket in the shower, washing my hands first so that I don't stain any handles or shower walls when I enter the communal room.

I keep on thinking about it. 

What happened.

And a part of me is trying to find what was wrong with it all - what had everyone reacting that way - but I can't. And maybe even if I did, I wouldn't care. Because it was euphoric. Killing them all, that many people. It felt euphoric.

Yeah, I know that's fucked up. But in this case I'm in the right. They were bad people. I killed bad people.

That was basically the agreement I had with Director Hayes.

He didn't want to point out the obvious. That I'm a bit weird. Psycho. He used it to his advantage, because he found me useful. So we left the words and thoughts unspoken - and proceeded anyway. Everything about this benefits both of us.

I get to kill.

His enemies are gone.

And his enemies just so happen to be bad people - so really, this is the best I could do. This is the best I can give, and this is the only realistic way I can even be considered slightly a good person. 

This is the only way.


She a little delulu but that's the point.

Margeux's idea of fun:

Margeux's idea of fun:

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- Juana.

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