7.6 ] The Deadly Nightshade

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THERE ARE SEVERAL tables at the cafeteria, and I'm new, so I don't have anyone to sit with. And there is so little room, you can't sit alone - and yet if I sit with the other losers, I label myself as one and make myself a victim - but if I ambitiously sit with already formed groups, that could also end me. 

So. I'm sort of in a conundrum currently. 

But there are the people in my room. The one that applauded me for killing rapists and the other that found it cool I was a hit-woman. Perhaps they'll take me, if even for a day. It's not like I plan on finding long term solutions. I'm not going to be in here longer than a week. I have to keep telling myself that. As a sense of security. Because, put simply, I just can't otherwise. 

Serena and Jay sit together. Amongst a variety of other people, all different with their haircuts and auras. Most tables consist of similar looking people. Whether their rough, defined, or sort of...religious looking to put nicely. 

Not Serena and Jay's table though. Which actually works out perfectly for me. I don't know what I would categorise myself as other than other

It's silent when I sit down though. 

I almost regret it. 

I almost worry.

But then Serena nods at me and continues eating her food, Jay smiling herself and the others amongst us continuing on with their food and conversations after glancing at me. 

Relief. I don't feel that often. But I feel it now. 

"You the hit-woman?" A blonde girl with the word angel tattooed under her eye nudges me. 

Word spreads fast it seems. 

"Depends." I shrug, shuffling around my food with my fork, "What's it to you?"

"Someone on the outside." She shrugs. 

"You want me to kill someone for you?" I ask quietly with a laugh. 

"An ex." She confirms.

I laugh a little harder, "Yeah, uh. No. I don't...not those. I don't kill those."

Which is ironic because I killed one of my ex boyfriends for cheating. Only recently, due to a certain fuck head professional, have I learned a lot of my psychological health wasn't due to the fact that I was entirely a monster but instead a victim who wished to be feared. Since this revelation, I've decided to try doing better. 

Which means only killing people who deserve it. I wouldn't be able to drop murder completely

"No? Bummer. The asshole got me in here. Framed me for his drug ring." She shakes her head.

Wow. People are much more honest is jail than I thought they would be. 

"Oh." I face forward, "I mean then yeah. That makes sense. I'll kill him for you. If I get out."

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