208.Here to Give Me Money

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Jungkook gave her money and effort. He expressed his support and gave her advice, filling in the details she had not thought of brightly. At the same time, Jungkook was also one of the biggest investors in the business street event.

Someone leaked the news of the business street in the west of the city. Lisa once again received the benefit of having her younger brothers and sisters give her money, as well as the money and bombs from the socialites’ daughters. She did not know whether to laugh or cry as she used a similar amount of money as an investment for this event. She returned the remaining small amount and thanked them for their kind help.

On this day, it was rare for Lisa to return home early. She saw a familiar-looking girl sitting on the sofa. When she saw Lisa return, the girl stood up, clasped her hands together, and greeted her carefully, “Mrs. Jeon.”

Lisa recognized her. She was Yu Miao, whom she had chatted with at the banquet the last time. She looked at Yu Miao carefully, then smiled. “Miss Yu.”

Yu Miao was a simple person. When she heard Lisa call her by her name, she was so happy that it filled her eyebrows with joy. She responded in a loud and clear voice. She looked cheerful and innocent.

Lisa raised her eyebrows. Could it be that it was not her?

On the day of the banquet, Lisa suspected that one of the glasses of wine she drank had been spiked. She had always restrained herself and controlled the amount of wine she drank. Even if she had drunk too much, she would only be a little tipsy. After thinking about it, Yu Miao was the most suspicious. However, looking at her innocent smile and the obvious admiration in her eyes, it was hard to believe that she would do something like drugging someone’s wine.

So… was Yu Miao’s acting too good, or was she thinking much? Lisa sat down calmly. “Miss Yu, why did you come to visit?”

“I heard that Mrs. Jeon is setting up a commercial street in the west of the city as an event for the Mid-Autumn Festival.” Yu Miao’s face flushed red as she took out her bank card and pushed it over. “I, I also want to invest in this commercial street!”

Another money delivery? Lisa looked at the bank card on the table. She found it hard to believe that this sincere girl would do something like drugging someone. Perhaps she was thinking much.

At the thought of this, Lisa’s gaze became much gentler. “Alright, I’ll get my assistant to send the contract later. Miss Yu, you have to sign it.”

Yu Miao nodded excitedly. She even tried to push the bank card in front of her and urged, “I haven’t changed the password. Mrs. Jeon, please accept it.”

“You haven’t signed the contract yet!” Lisa found it funny and deliberately teased her, “aren’t you afraid that I’ll make a donation and run away?”

“Mrs. Jeon, you aren’t that kind of person!” Yu Miao was serious. She did not doubt Lisa, even a little. “I believe in Mrs. Jeon!” As she said that, she seemed to have thought of something. She took out a document bag from behind her and giggled. “Oh right, Mrs. Jeon, I have a present to give you today. No, no. It’s my parents who have a present for you.”

Yu Miao rarely received love from her parents, and her eyes were shimmering. She said happily, “After my parents found out that Mrs. Jeon had brought me to earn a lot of money, they said they would thank Mrs. Jeon for taking care of me.” She cupped her face, and she giggled. “I always thought that my parents didn’t care about me. But in fact, they were probably too busy in the past.”

Lisa’s heart skipped a beat.

“This is a little gift from my parents. Mrs. Jeon, you must accept it,” Yu Mi’s body was emitting small bubbles of happiness as she opened the document bag. She giggled, “this is a shop in a relatively good location we owned. My parents asked me to give it to you.”

“Give me a shop?” Lisa looked at the document as she thought and pointed with her fingertips. “Did your parents say anything else?”

“They said that you don’t have to attend if you are busy,” Yu Mi smiled. She was extremely excited about her parents’ rare thoughtfulness. “You only need to sign or provide an ID. Our family is responsible for helping with the transfer.” Yu Mi’s parents had instructed her not to trouble Lisa with such a small matter. After all, the development of the west side of the city was important now. They did not want Lisa to waste time on such a small matter as the transfer. Their goal was to get Yu Mi to persuade Lisa to sign.

“I can’t accept this gift,” Lisa’s gaze was complicated. She shook her head and said, “take it back.”

“Mrs. Jeon, this is a small gift from my parents,” Yu Miao was suddenly anxious and advised, “you have been kind to me. I have nothing to repay your kindness. It’s just a shop…”

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