391.Didn't Recognize the Reality

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"Didn't you say that you don't know Eunbi?" Lisa sneered, "Then why are you feeling guilty?"

"Xiao Wang, What's going on?" The middle-aged woman came over when she saw the situation, and her eyes were filled with a glint of nosiness as they lingered on Xiao Wang and Lisa. As though the middle-aged woman was watching an entertaining show, she asked, "Who is this beautiful girl? Looking for Eunbi? Xiao Wang, did you quarrel with Eunbi again? I told you, how can you always raise your hand against Eunbi..."

Did he raise his hand against her? Lisa's heart skipped a beat. She turned to look at the middle-aged woman and asked, "Auntie, I'm Eunbi's friend. I'm here to look for her. Is this man Eunbi's boyfriend? Do the two of them often fight?"

The middle-aged woman looked at Lisa. She had wanted to listen for more gossip-worthy material, but when she met Lisa's clear eyes, she was suddenly speechless. The middle-aged woman shrunk her neck and replied, "Yes, it's normal for a young couple to quarrel. I... I still have to cook at home. If there's anything, you can ask Xiao Wang." After saying that, she carried the basin and went straight home. With a bang, she closed the courtyard door.

Since he was Eunbi's boyfriend, why did he say that he did not know Eunbi? Where was he going with Eunbi's bag? At this moment, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the room, followed by a scolding, "You b*tch, don't be so shameless!"


This person's voice sounded very familiar. When Xiao Wang saw that the matter had been exposed, his face instantly turned pale.

Lisa's eyes flashed with a cold glint. She didn't care about anything else and quickened her pace as she walked into the courtyard.

In the room, Brother Zhao covered his hand that had been bitten by Eunbi. His eyes flashed with viciousness and he said, "Your boyfriend has already sold you to me, and you still dare to resist? I think you haven't realized the reality of your situation!"

"Slap!" Brother Zhao raised his hand and slapped Eunbi. His big hand unceremoniously tore at her collar. His eyes were filled with excitement. "I'll let you know how powerful I am later!"

"No, let go of me... Don't..." Eunbi struggled desperately. Her heart was filled with despair and powerlessness. She wanted to struggle, but her limbs were weak and powerless. Her palm that tried to push him away was soft and could not move Brother Zhao at all. Even her struggle seemed to be light and airy. She wanted to resist but her actions could not follow her wishes. Her cries were so soft that it was almost impossible to hear. She really hated this! She never thought that the boyfriend she liked would actually put something in her water in exchange for a bit of money. He made her unable to run, unable to resist, unable to fight back!

There was no way to ask for help. Eunbi cried in despair.

"I want to see who can save you this time!" Brother Zhao smiled malevolently, he proudly sat on Eunbi's back. "Little b*tch, do you think I can't do anything to you just because you know Mrs. Jeon? So what if you quit your job? You're still going to be sleeping with me!" He bent down and removed the last piece of cloth from Eunbi's body, he couldn't wait to tear off his belt.

Eunbi closed her eyes in despair. She felt like a pig lying on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered. She didn't even have the right to howl or scream. Why would this world treat her like this? What was she living for? Was it just for her to suffer?

"Bang!" At this moment, the door was kicked open. The bright light from outside shone in along with the door's opening. For a moment, it was blinding.

Brother Zhao had half of his pants taken off. He was so scared by the sudden sound that his whole body trembled. He shouted angrily, "Who! Who is it?!"

"You really don't have a good memory." Seeing the scene in the room, Lisa's anger rose from her heart. She took a step forward and kicked Brother Zhao off the bed. "What are you doing?!"

Seeing Lisa, Brother Zhao's face turned pale. Mrs. Jeon... why was Mrs. Jeon here? Why was she here? Where was Wang Wentao? Didn't he ask Wang Wentao to stand guard outside? All sorts of thoughts flashed through Brother Zhao's mind. However, before he could think any further, Lisa suddenly took a step forward, grabbed his collar, and lifted him.

"Mrs. Jeon... Mrs. Jeon..." the swelling on his face from yesterday's beating had not subsided. Now that he saw Lisa, his face was hurting from the beating. Brother Zhao was scared out of his wits. He screamed, "It's not what it looks like. I paid, I really paid! It was Eunbi's boyfriend who begged me to sleep with her!"

"Don't you know that ignoring a girl's wishes is considered forced prostitution?" The coldness in Lisa's eyes became even icier. She slapped Brother Zhao mercilessly, "How about I beat you half to death and then pay for your medical fees?"

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