258.Do You Dare to Bet

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"If you can't get on the honor roll, what right do you have to stay in Si Cheng High School?" Seulgi, who happened to pass by, raised her chin and said arrogantly, "You brag but you can't make it come true. If I were you, I would have quit school with my tail between my legs."

"That's why you can't be me," Lisa smiled indifferently, "With such strong self-esteem, you still came to school today. After all, you were the one who was so scared that you sat on the ground and cried loudly yesterday."

"You!" When the embarrassing incident yesterday was brought up, Seulgi's face instantly flushed red, and her eyes couldn't help but redden. She was smart, hardworking, and had been held in the palm of others since she was young. She was used to being surrounded by everyone. When had she ever been bullied like this? Yesterday's incident was already a great humiliation to her, yet the culprit who caused everything was still sitting here unharmed.

She was furious!

Seulgi said angrily, "How can you be so thick-skinned! No wonder you could do something like stealing someone's boyfriend! You don't know shame!" Thinking of her sister's words, Seulgi looked at Lisa with even more disgust. This woman was really bad and shameless.

"You can eat whatever rubbish you want, but you shouldn't speak rubbish, little friend." Lisa's expression instantly turned cold. She asked, "Tell me clearly, whose boyfriend did I steal?"

"You know very well!" Faced with Lisa's sharp gaze and recalling her crazy act of pulling people to jump off a building yesterday, Seulgi's face turned a little pale. She took a couple of steps back and forced a proud expression on her face. Seulgi coldly said, "If you still know propriety, justice, and shame, then if you can't get on the honor roll for this exam, you should obediently withdraw from school." she said with disdain, "Si Cheng High School won't accept a scum like you."

Si Cheng High School was an elite school. It was really terrible to have a disgusting woman like Lisa enter this school.

Lisa's face also darkened. After a long time, she curled her lips and replied, "Alright, since you want to bet, then let's bet big." She had an icy glint in her eyes as she said, "If I can surpass your rank in this exam, you have to apologize to me in front of all the teachers and students in the school for what you said. If I can't surpass your rank, then I'll withdraw from school. How about it?"


To Seulgi, who cared about her pride, apologizing to Lisa in front of the entire school was worse than killing her, but...


The students who heard Lisa's words were discussing, "Did I hear wrong? Lalisa actually wants to compete with Seulgi in grades?! That's Seulgi she's talking about! Ever since she transferred here, Seulgi has dominated the honor roll for a very long time. I think she had never gotten below first place in the three major subjects! It's over, it's over. Lalisa just came to the school not long ago, and she's going to drop out soon."

Seulgi received so many university admission letters at such a young age. She was not bragging, she was a legendary student. After returning from abroad and transferring to Si Cheng High School, she firmly occupied first place in the three major subjects of science every time, and occasionally in the four subjects.

It was impossible for Lisa to surpass Seulgi in her exam results.

"Are you sure?" Seulgi also found it funny. Ever since she was young, she had never failed to rank in any of the ranked exams! Lisa had overestimated herself!

"Lalisa." Rosè could not help but stop her. "There's no need to bet so big, right? Seulgi is really amazing. Don't be so impulsive."

Although Lisa had just transferred here yesterday, thanks to her shocking appearance yesterday, everyone in Si Cheng High School now knew about Mrs. Jeon's history before coming to this school. She grew up in the slums and had been studying in an ordinary school. Even if her academic results were considered good in those ordinary high schools, there was a huge difference between the teachers of an ordinary high school and an elite high school. Moreover, Lisa had dropped out of school two years ago, and she had just picked up her books again recently...

With Lisa's situation, it would be her wishful thinking to get on the honor roll, let alone surpass Seulgi. It wasn't easy to get into Si Cheng High School. If Lisa lost the right to go to Si Cheng high school because of a bet, it would be a real loss.

There were also students around who were not afraid of getting involved. They chimed in, "You should gamble, why not gamble?! Anyway, the Jeon family has a big business. If you lose the bet, you can still go back to being a rich man's wife!"

"It doesn't matter, I know what I'm doing," Lisa smiled at Rosè with great confidence. "That's right, I'm sure. How about we compete for the final total score?"

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