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"Well, I am here to check on the filming progress. You're the artist I think the most highly of. Of course, I care about you the most," Lei Bing said with a smile. After praising Yeri, she went straight to the point. "I heard from the crew that your current assistant is crying daily and affecting your mood. How about I change your assistant to someone else?"

Thinking of her assistant's haggard appearance recently, Yeri frowned. If it was possible, she didn't want to face her assistant's sad face all day long.

"It's better to change her to someone else. She only knows how to cry and do nothing," Yeri said with disdain, "employ someone who could keep the secret after firing her. I don't want someone who puts on a sour face all day. It's annoying."

"Okay," Lei Bing had a fawning smile on her face. Yeri was making money for her. Even if she didn't like Yeri's attitude, she had to treat Yeri better for the sake of Sehun, who supported Yeri. After settling the matter about Yeri's assistant, she asked concernedly, "How is everything? Are you tired from filming? If you have any problems, you have to communicate with me immediately. I'm your manager. I'll help you settle everything."

"Why would I have any problem?" Yeri did not care about Lei Bing's flatter and glanced at her phone lazily. Sehun had not replied to her message until now. Yeri had to film and maintain her little princess character during this time. Although she had made her assistant take all the blame, she was still busy. It was her first time filming, so it was inevitable that she would have a few NG scenes. Even if Wu Yu were willing to coax her, he would want to ensure the quality of the film. When Yeri finally settled the matter on the set and filming was on the right track, she realized that Sehun's attitude towards her had been a little cold recently. Every reply to her message was at night. His tone was also cold, giving off a strong sense of alienation.

Yeri's fingers, painted with exquisite manicures, swiped on her phone twice. Suddenly, a bad feeling aroused in her. She wanted to call Sehun to ask, but she was worried that Sehun would be at work at this time. Calling him might disturb him. Yeri's mood became more irritable, and her tone became rude. She rolled her eyes at Lei Bing and said, "What's the point of you saying so much? Who doesn't know how to talk? If you care about me, do your work better. Look at what kind of assistant you've found me. Useless!" She impatiently threw her phone on the table as she continued, "You and the assistant are both useless. You can't even do a small thing well. I will fire you if you do something like this again next time."

Lei Bing was unhappy with Yeri's attitude. As a manager, Lei Bing controlled the resources of the celebrities. Almost all her stars coaxed her to get more help. Moreover, Lei Bing was good at dealing with problems. Her artists all had to take care of her mood to get more resources from her. It had been a long time since she was pointed at and scolded.

Lei Bing might be displeased. But she knew Yeri was different from her other artists. Yeri did not need to rely on her for a living. Sehun backed up Yeri, so Yeri could choose any resources she wanted. If she had no help, Sehun could spend money and get a chance for her like this time.

Lei Bing took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her. She smiled apologetically and said, "Don't worry. I will settle this matter for you. I'll send off Miyeon in a while. Tomorrow, I will get someone to send a temporary assistant over to you. Then, I will choose a new assistant for you." Miyeon was the name of the assistant that Yeri was currently employing.

After hearing this, Yeri nodded. "Alright, that's more like it." She lowered her head and looked at the phone that was still silent. In a bad mood, she waved her hand at Lei Bing. "Get lost if you are done talking. Don't chatter here."

Miyeon, who had brought back the milk tea, heard she could leave, and her eyes finally lit up with excitement. She sensed that Yeri was in a bad mood. So, she quickly suppressed her excitement. She lowered her head and carefully handed over the cup of milk tea. "Sisi, warm yourself with this milk tea. It's your favorite."

"Are you crazy?" Yeri grabbed the milk tea and threw it directly at Miyeon's feet. She scolded angrily, "Don't you know I look fat on camera? Yet you gave me such a high-calorie drink. Are you trying to make me look fat and ugly on camera?"

The Crippled Boss's Outstanding Substitute Wife | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now