275.Stay With Me

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The kiss was a little long. When they stopped kissing, Lisa could feel Jungkook's tense body and heavy breathing.

"My wife." Jungkook restrained himself and hugged Lisa tightly. It was as though he wanted to squeeze her into his ribs and melt her into his bones and blood so that they would become one. After a while, he placed his chin on her shoulder and said in a muffled voice, "You must be exhausted today, my wife. Have a good rest."

Jungkook's voice was a little hoarse and sounded particularly sexy. Lisa felt that her ears were tickled by it and her cheeks were a little hot. Jungkook gently placed Lisa on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Then, he got up and started making his way out of her room.

She watched Jungkook's tall figure gradually disappear into the distance. Just as he was about to hold the door handle, Lisa's heart stirred slightly and she suddenly said, "Jungkook."

Hearing this, Jungkook turned around and saw that Lisa's black hair was hanging down, and her entire body was exuding a languid aura. Her moist red lips were slightly raised as she smiled slightly and lifted the blanket. Her jade-like small hands gently patted the space beside her. "I'm a little scared. Mr. Jeon, can you stay and sleep with me?"

Damn it! Which man could reject the invitation of his beloved? Especially when she smiled sweetly, looking both innocent and alluring at the same time. She was like a seductive vixen.

Jungkook's adam's apple kept rolling, and his throat was a little itchy. His rational side told him that he should refuse, but in fact, he couldn't refuse. He simply pulled off his tie and walked toward Lisa aggressively. "This is an invitation from you, my wife."

"That's right." Lisa looked at him with a smile. "Mr. Jeon, are you unwilling?"

"I'm more than happy to." When he walked to the bedside, Jungkook had already taken off his suit and quickly got into Lisa's bed.

"Pa." The lights in the room were turned off, and the room instantly darkened. Only the moonlight from outside the window shone through the curtains.


Lisa wanted to laugh, so she really laughed out loud. Then, she fell into a firm and warm chest. "Quickly go to sleep." Jungkook's voice was helpless and doting. He rubbed Lisa's hair like he was coaxing a child. He said, "I'll sleep with you in my arms, my wife."

The smile on Lisa's lips grew wider. She did not continue to tease Jungkook, but instead, obediently nestled in his arms and closed her eyes. This was the first time Lisa had someone by her side when she slept. She thought that she would be unable to adapt and suffer from insomnia. However, in reality, she quickly fell into a sweet dream and slept until dawn.

On the other side, Yeri wore a mask and sat in a private room in a restaurant. She stared at the private room door with eager eyes. When the private room door was pushed open and a tall figure entered the room, her eyes instantly lit up.

"Sehun!" Yeri screamed in surprise. She rushed over and hugged Sehun's waist. She buried her face in it and softly yet coquettishly said, "I miss you so much."

Sehun's face was a little dark. He let Yeri hug him for a while before pushing her away. "Alright, sit down and order," he said.

Sehun pulled Yeri to sit down. When he saw that she was still wearing a mask, he frowned and said, "How can you eat with a mask on? Quickly take it off."

Yeri touched the mask on her face. Panic flashed across her eyes, she forced a smile and said, "I changed my skincare products two days ago, and my face is a little allergic to it. So my face looks too ugly right now. I don't want you to see me so ugly. I'll just keep the mask on for now, alright?" She held Sehun's hand and acted coquettishly. "I hope that I will always be beautiful in your eyes, and I don't want you to see me looking ugly."

"How are you going to eat if you're not taking off the mask? You're going to watch me eat?" Sehun narrowed his eyes and his gaze fell on Yeri's face. "Take it off, I won't despise your looks."

"I... I can watch you eat. Anyway, I'm very happy to see you." Yeri's eyes were even more flustered, she averted her gaze. "It just so happens that I feel a little fat recently and want to lose weight. It's okay, I'm not hungry."

Sehun sensed that something was wrong and his expression instantly darkened. "Take off your mask!" He was not a fool who could not see that Yeri was lying and had a flustered expression.

"I... I'm really fine." Yeri instinctively covered her mask and shook her head. "Sehun, I don't want to show you. I look too ugly right now." Her repeated rejections made Sehun's mood very terrible. He raised his hand and pulled the mask off Yeri's face without hesitation. Yeri could not dodge in time, revealing the bruised palm print on her face and the broken corner of her mouth.

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