247.Where Did You Two Get That Pride of Yours From?

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"I'm not deaf," Jungkook frowned, his black eyes were cold. "Miss Lee, I suggest that you wear a mask when you go out in the future. Otherwise, when my wife sees you, if she can't help but attack you, then you deserve it. Of course, my wife's attack is already considered light. If it were me..." his pupils faintly revealed a shocking murderous aura. He smiled faintly and icily said, "If it were me, I wouldn't be as polite as my wife." He didn't say what he would do, but that terrifying killing intent was enough to make one shudder.

Yeri's face instantly turned pale. She felt a chill run from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, and she froze on the spot, unable to move. At this moment, she clearly realized that Jungkook wanted to kill her!

This couple was mad, completely mad!

Yeri's legs could not help but tremble. Her eyes were red, but she was so frightened that she did not dare to shed a single tear.

"Mr. Jeon, I think you must have some sort of misunderstanding about Yeri." Qiao Wei gritted her teeth, her heart filled with dissatisfaction. She absolutely could not accept that the child of that sl*t was better off than her daughter! It was enough for her to bear the blame and the disdain of others when she married Lee Yong. Her daughter must live a better life than Lisa and always trample Lisa under her feet!

Qiao Wei understood men the best. She showed a helpless and tolerant expression. She glanced at Lisa as if she was a child who did not understand. She said, "I am a stepmother, to begin with. Some things are not easy to say..."

"If it's not easy to say, then don't say it." Jungkook did not react like other men. He directly interrupted her, "I'm not close with you. There's no need for you to overshare your story since we're not close. I'm not interested in your words either."

Qiao Wei: "..." she was momentarily speechless. After a long while, she managed to maintain the smile on her face and explained, "Mr. Jeon, that's not what I meant. I wanted to say that although some things are not easy for me to say, I still have to say them. After all, Sisi is my daughter. I have already wronged her. Now that she has been misunderstood again, as a mother, I feel really bad."

After saying that, Qiao Wei rubbed her slightly red eyes and sobbed in a low voice, "It's difficult to be a stepmother, you might not understand, Mr. Jeon. Lisa, this child, has been stubborn since she was young. No matter how much Sisi and I give in, we can't get her to acknowledge us as family... It's fine if she has a bad attitude and is hostile towards us. After all, she's still a child. It's normal for her to be insensible."

"Wait a minute," Jungkook frowned and interrupted Qiao Wei. "Yeri isn't Lee Yong's biological child?"


Qiao Wei's expression froze. Why would Jungkook ask this?

Lee Yong's expression became even uglier. He laughed awkwardly, "Of course, Yeri is my child."

"If I remember correctly, Lee Yeri is only two months younger than my wife. Then isn't she an illegitimate daughter? Aren't you the mistress who interfered with the family then?" Jungkook looked at Qiao Wei in surprise, "A mistress and an illegitimate daughter, and you want my wife to treat you well? Where did you two get that pride of yours from?"

Qiao Wei and Yeri were furious!

Even Lee Yong's expression was a little nasty. He smiled sheepishly and said, "This... which man hasn't made mistakes when he was young?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. Just because you can't control your lower body doesn't mean that other people can't control it." Jungkook held Lisa's hand, his deep eyes were filled with deep affection. "I will never let my wife down."

Lisa's eyes were filled with a hint of a smile. Jungkook was usually a man of few words, but when he spoke, he was quite eloquent. Jungkook was helping her vent her anger, so Lisa naturally wouldn't ruin it. She smiled and echoed, "Of course, I believe in you, Mr. Jeon. You are different from the others."

They looked at each other intimately, and Yeri clenched her teeth. She wanted nothing more than to rush up and separate the two of them.

"CEO Jeon!" Qiao Wei couldn't hold it in any longer. She clenched her fists and used the slight pain to wake herself up. She tried hard to show a tolerant smile as she said, "Anyway, I think you must have been misled by someone to misunderstand Sisi." She paused and lowered her head with a gloomy face. She continued, "I know, in the past, I should have restrained myself and not given in to my feelings for Lee Yong. I was wrong back then. But Yeri... Yeri is innocent. She can't choose how she was born. Everything is my fault. Lisa, just take it as I'm asking you..."

Qiao Wei continued putting on an act as she pretended to cry gracefully. She looked at Lisa and said pitifully, "If you have any problem, come at me. Don't make things difficult for Yeri."

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