295.Eat Well

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Yeri's lips were trembling. But she still tried hard to stay strong. "You... you can't do this. No matter what, daddy is your father. You can't abandon the Lee family."

"Do you think this is the feudal era? Do I have to always sacrifice everything for him because he is my father?" Lisa sneered, feeling sarcastic and amused. Her gaze fell on Yeri's face, "I am curious. How can a person like you have the heart of a filial daughter?" After being beaten by Lee Yong, she even pleaded on behalf of the Lee family and Lee Yong. Lisa had no idea what Yeri was thinking. However, no matter what Yeri thought, it had nothing to do with her.

Lisa said coldly, "Ask Lee Yong to enjoy his wonderful life these few days." Lisa would not forget how dangerous she was at that time just because Jungkook arrived in time. After learning the whole story from Jungkook, she did not take revenge on the Lee family because she had recently focused on school.

Lisa was not a fool. She would not be so merciful and let go of someone who was a harm to her.

Jungkook held Lisa's hand. The two of them turned around and left together. Yeri put on her mask again and lowered her head. Her long hair covered the emotions in her eyes. She stood in the classroom for a moment before leaving as well.

While they were eating, Lisa called Jeongin with a stern look in her eyes. "Help me check the situation of the Lu family."

Jeongin was professional. When he heard that, he did not hesitate to do his job. He did not even ask for a reason. As soon as the waiter served the dishes, the Lim family's message was sent to Lisa's email. Lisa was about to open it when her phone was suddenly taken away. When she looked up, she met Jungkook's dark eyes.

"Mr. Jeon?" Lisa's eyes flashed, and she subconsciously smiled at him, "I haven't properly thanked you for today's matter." To frame her, Joy used everything she could. Lisa was caught unprepared. Even if she could rely on her ability to break the situation, in the end, she couldn't clarify everything as cleanly as Jungkook.

"It's my honor to work for you," Hearing this, a gentle smile subconsciously appeared on Jungkook's face. But it was quickly replaced by dissatisfaction. He deliberately put on a straight face. Pursing his lips, he said, "even if you praise me, I won't return your phone to you."

Lisa slowly blinked her eyes twice and looked at Jungkook without saying anything.


"No matter how important the matter is, have your Lunch first," Facing Lisa, Jungkook was always willing to take a step back and rarely showed his stubborn side. He emphasized his words, "nothing is more important than your health."

"I just want to look at the situation," Lisa found it funny and couldn't help but say, "it's only two minutes."

"It might be two minutes and two hours next time. You might even skip a meal," Jungkook was unmoved. He elegantly laid out the dishes for Lisa, "I want to live a healthy life with my wife. So, let's make sure you are healthy." He said it calmly, but Lisa felt her heart hammer. Her face flushed red. She lowered her head and obediently nodded, eating all the dishes he had placed on her plate.

After eating, Jungkook returned Lisa's phone to her. Lisa opened the email and browsed through the information of the Lim Corporation. The Lim Corporation was not one of the top groups in S City. However, after several generations, it could be considered a big business. The relationship in the Lim Corporation was complicated, and all kinds of interests were involved. It was not easy to deal with. However, if they wanted to deal with it, they would be able to defeat it in one blow as long as they could find a suitable breakthrough point!

She pondered where they should find this breakthrough point.

"Lim Hanbin's father has a biological younger brother, Lim Feng. He is now working as a department manager in the Lim Corporation. It is an idle position," Seeing that Lisa was frowning, Jungkook smiled. He reminded her lightly, "Lim Feng is quite capable. Old Master Lim almost let Lim Zefeng inherit the Lim family's wealth back then. However, there was a problem with the project under Lim Zefeng. Old Master Lim was disappointed. When his illness worsened, he handed the Lim family over to Lim Hanbin's father. He passed away not long after."


Lim Hanbin's father was called Lim Guo. He was also the current head of the Lim family.

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