321.I'm Your Boss

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Yeri glared at the pool in front of her, saying, "Are you trying to freeze me to death by letting me go into the water on such a cold day? Also, delete the script's scene of me falling into the mud! Rolling in the mud will ruin my princess image! I'm not going to take that shot!" Thinking of the scene in the script, anger grew in Yeri.

"Yeri, you can't refuse..." Her assistant tried to persuade her in fear, "this is the final draft of the script, and you can't change it at will. Moreover, this is the main scene in the script. If you delete this scene, the plot will be incomplete."

Yeri's gaze turned cold. "I don't care. My fans love my princess's character the most. How can a princess roll in the mud? Do you think you can compensate for the loss if this movie damages my image?"


Yeri's assistant tried to persuade her. "But..."

"No!" Yeri interrupted her without hesitation, "I'm your boss. I'm the one who pays your salary. Just do as I say. If you continue to nag, get lost!"

Her assistant gapped and lowered her head helplessly. She felt helpless. The Internet said Yeri was a fairy princess, but she was too immersed in her title. She couldn't cry too ugly during filming, and she couldn't wear dirty makeup. Even when she was in pain, she had to look good. The outside world said that Yeri was gentle and considerate. So, the assistant had to do the talking. She raised all kinds of opinions with the production team, causing the entire production team to hate her. However, she was just an assistant. She wouldn't have come up with so many suggestions if Yeri hadn't requested them.

Yeri's assistant felt helpless and couldn't even complain. She tried to persuade Yeri again. "Yeri, can we stick to the plot of going into the water? We can't change this..."

"Useless thing! You are rubbish!" Yeri looked at her assistant with disdain. Her eyes were cold. Her assistant was holding her back! From an angle that no one could see, Yeri raised her hand and pinched the assistant's arm. The assistant frowned in pain. He clenched his teeth tightly and didn't dare to cry in pain. His eyes instantly turned red. If it were not for the contract restrictions and the temptation of a high salary, she would not have wanted to serve Yeri!

At this moment, Director Wu Yu walked over. Yeri let go of her assistant's arm and looked at Wang Yu with a smile. "Director Wu, it's like this..." She bit her lips and hesitated, "I have a weak body. I'll easily get ill if I get into the water." She was wearing a light-colored dress. Her innocent and moving face filled with conflict and guilt. It would melt anyone's heart. She fluttered her eyelashes and said, "I think it's normal to suffer during filming. I have to live up to the audience and the crew's pay. However, my assistant insisted on having a stunt to replace me. She didn't want me to suffer... I'm trying my best to persuade her."

"No, I didn't," The assistant was flabbergasted. She subconsciously held Yeri's hand. She had never said that before!

The moment Yeri spoke, the people in the production crew looked at the little assistant unkindly. Most of them looked at her with disgust. The assistant could not say anything, and her eyes turned even redder.

"It's fine if you're not feeling well. Later, find a stand-in who looks similar to you," Wu Yu seemed unhappy. Recently, he had been bossed around by Yeri's assistant. Yet he had no choice because Yeri was Sehun's woman. He was extremely frustrated, but there was nothing he could do. Sehun also sent the assistant, so he could only suppress his anger and tried to be more considerate, "there's nothing you can do about it. Actors must consider their health issues when filming. You can go and rest first. You can come over later to take a close-up of your face."

"Thank you, Director Wu," Yeri beamed with joy. After sending Wu Yu off, she glanced at her assistant, "look, isn't the problem solved just like that? I don't know the use of having you around when you can't accomplish anything!"

"Yeri, you... how can you do this?" The assistant's tears were about to fall. She said aggrievedly, "I never said these things. How will I work here if you put me in such a difficult situation? Do you know what everyone is saying about me? They're saying I'm a crazy person with a strong desire to control things. They said I am an assistant, yet I want to control you..."

It was ridiculous. Since they knew she was just an assistant, why didn't they think twice when they said that? An assistant couldn't control her actor.

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