223.Go and Die!

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"That's right!" Jennie nodded desperately. "Don't tell me you want to spend the rest of your life in prison? Don't tell me you don't want to marry someone you like, have children with him, and be happy for the rest of your life? Don't gamble your entire life away just because you can't think things through at this point!"

"What do you know!" Irene's eyes were bloodshot, and she roared as if she had been provoked. "You don't know anything at all!" What marriage, having children, what future! If she didn't walk this path, she would have nothing! She could only marry that old and ugly Mr. Feng, and Chanyeol could only personally send her to hell! They had no idea what she had experienced!

"You don't have to say anything anymore, I will definitely not let you go!" Irene curled her lips and seemed to have calmed down a lot. She used her hand to comb her hair and said, "If you want to blame someone, then blame yourself for dying. Only when you die can I start a new life."

Lisa keenly grasped the hidden meaning in her words. She asked, "So someone instructed you to do this? Who was it?" Irene was just a rich young lady, there was no way to contact those gangsters, and it was even more impossible for her brain to set up such a meticulous plan. Lisa was sure that there must be someone else behind Irene!

A certain name was on the verge of appearing in her mind. Lisa stared at Irene and asked, "Who asked you to kidnap us here? He wanted you to kill us, and he didn't plan to let us leave this place alive, right?!"

"You want to know?" Irene smiled proudly. From the start till now, Lisa's face was calm and composed, which greatly reduced Irene's happiness. Now that she finally saw the anxiety on Lisa's face, Irene was extremely happy. She waved the fruit knife in her hand that was shining with a cold light. Then, she said with a smile, "I won't tell you! If you want to know, then go to hell and ask the King of Hell!" After saying that, her expression suddenly changed to one full of murderous intent and viciousness. She shouted, "Go to hell!"

The fruit knife in Irene's hand stabbed straight in the direction of Lisa's heart!

"No!" Jennie couldn't help but shout, and tears were about to fall out of her eyes.

Lisa's heart thumped. She was too anxious. Lisa clearly knew that Irene's mental state was abnormal, and she was on the verge of going crazy, but Lisa still provoked her. However, Lisa wanted to know the real culprit behind this, so she was not able to hold back...

With her hands and feet tied, Lisa had no way to fight back. Her eyes darkened, and she stared at the fruit knife that Irene was about to stab at her. At the critical moment, she suddenly dropped down and rolled, dodging this attack.

"Wow, you are still able to dodge?" Irene was not in a hurry to continue. She smiled and looked at Lisa, who was lying on the ground in a sorry state. "Look at you rolling on the ground. Don't you look like a dog?" Before she finished her sentence, she tried to stab Lisa again!

Irene's knife was aimed at the fatal spot. She did not leave any room for Lisa to live!

Lisa did not have time to reply. Amidst Jennie's cries, Lisa once again avoided the fruit knife and dodged it by moving her body like a carp. However, her movements were still a little slow. The sharp fruit knife brushed past her left arm and instantly cut her arm. Blood flowed like a fountain.

The fresh blood and the piercing pain in her arm made Lisa's mind clearer. She took this opportunity to raise her head without hesitation and directly hit Irene's stomach.

"Ah!" Irene lost her balance and fell to the ground after taking a couple of steps back. She gritted her teeth and looked at Lisa. She shouted, "You b*tch!"

Irene held her stomach and breathed a sigh of relief on the ground. She grabbed the fruit knife ferociously and rushed forward again. She screamed fiercely, "Go to hell! Go To hell!"

Lisa dodged to the side, but Irene did not change her direction. Instead, she revealed a smug and sinister smile. It turned out that her real target was not Lisa, but Jennie, who had a high fever and was weak all over!

Lisa was shocked and her eyes were about to burst!

"If I can't kill you, then do you think I won't kill Jennie?" Irene was extremely proud. She laughed loudly and stabbed the fruit knife downwards. She exclaimed, "Lisa, Jennie died today because of you!"

"No!" Seeing that Lisa could not make it in time and that Jennie did not have the strength to struggle and dodge the attack, Jennie accepted her fate and closed her eyes, waiting for the moment of extreme pain.

However, she did not feel any pain for quite a while. Jennie opened her eyes in a daze. No one appeared in front of her to take the stab or fight against Irene. There was only a cold and sharp fruit knife pressed against her chest. Irene smiled evilly above Jennie as she said, "No, I can't kill you just like that."

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