217.I Want 20 Million

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“So what if you’re my biological sister? Do you know what Mr. Feng stands for?” Chanyeol raised the corners of his mouth. He said indifferently, “As long as you marry him, I can regain my strength and pull Jeon Jungkook down from that position sooner or later.”

“You’re crazy!” Irene stepped back in disbelief, tears welled up in her eyes. She said, “You’re really crazy. In order to get the Jeon Corporation, you don’t care about anything anymore? Mom is already in jail. Are you also going to push me into the fire pit now?” Marrying that old man, Mr. Feng… she might as well die!

“Enough, what nonsense are you talking about!” Chanyeol looked impatient. He suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Irene’s chin. He fiercely said, “What do you know! If I don’t fight for it, we will lose everything sooner or later. If I can’t get Mr. Feng to be on our side, do you think the Park family will still let Park Youyou marry me? The Bae family raised you until now, so it’s time for you to contribute to the family. You’d better listen to me and get married obediently. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Chanyeol’s eyes were filled with madness. He had once felt that he was in a position of power, and everyone was flattering him. How could he be willing to return to his normal life? As long as he had the Jeon Corporation, he could get anything he wanted!

He flung his hand away and looked at Irene, who was leaning against the wall and crying until she was out of breath. He said in a deep voice, “As long as I can get the Jeon Corporation, you can get whatever you want. When that time comes, you could just divorce Mr. Feng, right?” If he was now the CEO of the Jeon Corporation, how would Mr. Feng dare to be so thick-skinned and call him ‘Brother’? Every time Chanyeol said a word, Mr. Feng would eagerly come up and would do everything for him!

“Then, have you ever thought about whether I’m willing to marry in the first place?” Irene cried until her whole body was trembling. She choked and said, “Brother, how did you become like this…” If she had known earlier, she would never have supported her mother to help Chanyeol rise to the top and let him become the interim CEO of the Jeon Corporation! Ever since Chanyeol took that position, he had become a devil. He was heartless, cold-blooded, and mercenary. Or perhaps, that was who he really was…

“Stop being unreasonable.” Hearing Irene’s questions, Chanyeol only felt that it was funny.

Not far away, Joy held her father’s hand and entered the venue. Chanyeol’s expression instantly changed to a gentlemanly and soft smile. He straightened his collar and picked up a glass of red wine. He softly said, “Irene, this big brother of yours is doing this for our future. Don’t you want to save Mom? As long as we can get the Jeon Corporation, we can reunite the family and live the luxurious life that you all want. Be obedient and take the initiative to talk to Mr. Feng. I still have other business to attend to, so I’ll be leaving first.”

After he finished speaking, Chanyeol had a smile on his face. He turned back into that handsome and refined young man and walked towards Joy with deep affection.

Irene’s heart was aching terribly. She staggered out of the banquet hall and sat down against the corner of the wall. Finally, she could not help but burst into tears. Why? Why? Why did everything change ever since Lisa married into the Jeon family?

Just as Irene was crying her heart out, a shadow was cast over her. The man’s cold voice sounded above her head, “Are you unwilling to accept this? Do you want to escape?”

Irene looked up in surprise. The light in the white corridor was a little harsh, outlining the man’s tall figure. His back was against the light, so his face could not be seen clearly. Because of all the crying, Irene’s nose was red and tears flowed down her face, making her look particularly miserable.

“Tsk, how pitiful,” the man chuckled. His voice was bewitching as he asked “Are you sad? Do you want to get away from all of this? Or are you willing to be treated as a commodity and given to that fat, old, and ugly man?”

“I don’t want to!” Irene’s body trembled. She wiped her tears away and said firmly, “I don’t want to marry that man!”

“Help me do something. I’ll give you ten million and send you abroad,” the man chuckled. His cold voice was like a slithering snake. His breath sprayed on Irene’s face. The man leaned on her ear and said a few words in a low voice.

Irene tried hard to listen to every word the man said. The shock in her eyes turned into hesitation and gradually turned into a fierce gaze.

“Ten million is not enough. I want twenty million!” Irene raised her head. She gritted her teeth and said, “Give me twenty million. Even if something happens, I will never tell anyone about you. Twenty million as insurance against anything dangerous. It’s quite a good deal, isn’t it?” Her eyes were filled with a strange light, it seemed that she had cut off all the paths of retreat and did not give herself a chance to turn back.

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