297.What Are You Afraid Of?

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"Lisa," Jungkook interrupted Lisa's words. His strong arms hugged her tightly, while his deep eyes filled with inquiry and concern, "what are you worried about? Or what are you afraid of?" With Lisa's personality, it was just a fight against the Lee family. She shouldn't be so cautious. Jungkook wondered whether it was because of Sehun.

Lisa opened her mouth but could not say a word. The person she was more afraid of was Yeri. Yeri was evil. Every time she moved against Yeri, she did not end up well. Although she did not understand why things were different recently, she still worried if she made a move against the Lee family...

Jungkook saw Lisa's conflicted expression and did not ask further. He held her in his arms and placed his chin on her arrowhead. He said in a muffled voice, "If you want to say it, then don't say it. Don't force yourself."

"Are you unhappy?" Sensing Jungkook's mood change, Lisa tilted her head and wanted to look at him. She pursed her lips and said, "it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that there are some things that I don't understand, and I don't even know how to tell you. I..."

"Shh," Jungkook did not lift his head. He raised a slender finger and pressed it against Lisa's lips. Then, he said in a low voice, "you don't have to say anything you don't want to. I don't want to force you. I respect your decisions." He hugged Lisa tightly and said gently, "you don't have to worry about me. No matter what happens, you only need to wait for me. I will overcome all the difficulties and obstacles, overcome all the problems, and head to you."

Jungkook promised to solve all the problems, and Lisa just needed to do nothing and wait for him to arrive. He would do anything to get to her.

After understanding the meaning behind Jungkook's words, Lisa was touched. She raised her hand and hugged Jungkook, feeling the rare warmth at this moment. After a while, she said softly, "Mr. Jeon, do you believe there are people who are lucky in this world? No matter what they want to do or what they want, they will easily get it. Even the things that are disadvantageous to her will be inexplicably resolved." She paused for a moment and sneered, "isn't what I said a little ridiculous? But some people are like that as if the heavens favor them. They are born with everything." For example, Yeri. She effortlessly snatched away her family and the fatherly love that belonged to her.

Lisa placed her cheek against Jungkook's chest. She lowered her eyes and said in a low voice, "The heavens favor them. Anyone who goes against them will end up in a miserable state. As long as they want to do something, no one can stop them. They will always succeed." The vase that fell after she slapped Yeri was a thorn in Lisa's heart. That woman, Yeri, was evil. No one knew what the consequences would be if they touched her.

"I never believe in fate," Jungkook was silent for a moment before he said carefully, "if I believed in fate, there wouldn't be this, Jungkook." His father and mother were a typical business marriage without any feelings; the problem was that his father was unfaithful. He had countless lovers outside, causing the Jeon family to be in an ice-cold atmosphere all year round. Along the way, numerous people coveted the Jeon Corporation. Countless people wanted to pull him down from his high position. He grew up safely and took control of the Jeon Corporation step by step, all because of his unwillingness and stubbornness. Perhaps the time he was in the wheelchair was Heaven's only chance to defeat him, but Lisa appeared.

Jungkook held Lisa's hand. He said gently, "I only believe people can rely on their efforts to get everything they want. The world may be unfair, but people can change this unfairness. The heavens may favor one or two hardworking people, but if someone treats this favor as a special case, they stop working hard and rely on their favor to misbehave. There will always be punishment falling on their heads. Perhaps... we are their punishers."


Jungkook did not hide his mockery. He did not believe in fate and did not think fortune would always favor anyone. Everything he had was earned through his hard work, and he did not need anyone to give it to him.

Lisa blinked and felt Jeon Ya had enlightened her. She seemed to be bound by Yeri's uniqueness. Why should she care about that? She could do whatever she wanted. No matter what it took her, she would defeat Yeri one day.

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