229.Trying to Murder Your Husband?

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Jennie, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up. She opened her eyes wide and asked silently, "They're here again?"

Lisa nodded with a dark face, signaling to Jennie not to speak. Those people searched very carefully to the point where they could almost tear the land open. As the sound of movement approached them, Lisa's heart beat faster and faster, and her knuckles turned slightly white from holding the fruit knife tightly.

The movement on the top stopped a step away from their heads. Lisa held her breath and focused. She felt as though she was being targeted by a pack of wolves. She silently waited for the opportunity to kill them in one strike.

After an unknown amount of time, the person on top moved. The sound of footsteps came forward again, and a black shadow enveloped them. The person's hand decisively lifted the withered branch covering the top.

This was the time! Lisa did not hesitate anymore. She held the fruit knife and immediately stood up and stabbed in the direction of the person's chest. At this moment, she could not care less about human lives. If she wanted to survive, she had to be ruthless! With this thought in mind, Lisa steeled herself and strengthened her resolve. The fruit knife in her hands followed the raised straw and she stabbed straight at the person's chest!

However, that person's reaction was faster than Lisa had imagined. He turned his body to the side and swiftly grabbed Lisa's wrist. His force was so strong that she could not resist. The fruit knife was immediately snatched away by him.

Lisa felt bad. She raised her leg and was about to kick him, but her entire body was pulled into an embrace. The man's slender legs directly wrapped around her. They were in a very intimate position. A familiar cold smell filled her nose. Lisa's body froze. Then, the man's hoarse voice with a hint of a strained smile rang in her ear, "My wife, are you trying to murder your husband?"

"Jungkook." Lisa's body suddenly relaxed, allowing herself to snuggle in Jungkook's arms. She said softly, "You're here."

"Yes, I'm here." Jungkook hugged Lisa tightly, not letting her turn around and look at the struggling waves of emotions in his eyes. He said in a low voice, "I'm late. You have suffered, my wife."

"Nini!" Kai, who had received the news, ran over without caring about his image. He jumped into the pit and carried Jennie out, whose face was red from the high fever. His face was full of anxiety as he frantically asked, "How are you? Are you okay?"

"Brother!" Seeing her brother, Jennie finally felt relieved. She hugged Kai's neck and cried loudly, "Brother, I was so scared. If it weren't for Mrs. Jeon, I wouldn't have been able to see you!" Her cries sounded heartwrenching. The fear that she had been feeling all this time finally had an outlet to be released.

Kai's heart ached terribly. He hugged Jennie and comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay. Your brother is here with you."

"When she came out, she didn't wear a coat, she was only wearing a gown. She was also hit in the head by someone. She has been running a fever as well." Lisa turned to look at Kai. She reported, "She has been running a fever for a day. We have to bring her to the hospital for a check-up."

"Thank you for your help this time, Mrs. Jeon." Although Lisa's figure was in a sorry state, her back was still straight. It was as though she was so resilient to the point that others had no way of destroying her. A complicated look flashed across Kai's eyes. He nodded at Jungkook, who was still holding Lisa tightly. Kai said, "Thank you, Mr. Jeon. Nini's condition is not good so I will send her to the hospital first. I will visit you and Mrs. Jeon another day to thank you all." He carried Jennie down the mountain in a hurry.

Jungkook looked at his back and snorted, "Not visiting us would best the way to thank us."

"Mr. Jeon," Lisa could not help but laugh. She raised her head to look at him. "Dr. Kim just wants to express his gratitude." This man was getting more and more jealous by the day.

"I get angry when I see him." Jungkook placed his chin on Lisa's shoulder and did not allow her to turn her head. After a long while, he said in a low voice, "I was very worried about you, my wife." During the time he had not found Lisa, he had come up with all kinds of terrifying conjectures numerous times. He was afraid that something would happen to her, that she would be hurt, and that he would not be able to save her if he arrived late.

The dark tide surged in Jungkook's eyes. It was as though as long as he did not look closely at the woman in his arms, she would put herself in a dangerous situation. Jungkook tightened his arms around her, wishing he could bind her tightly to him. Only by keeping Lisa in front of him at all times could he watch her closely and not be afraid and worried about her.


"Don't worry. I knew you'll come to save me," Lisa sighed and gently patted Jungkook's hand on her waist. She asked, "Can you let me see you?"

Jungkook clenched his fists.

"Mr. Jeon, thank you for coming to save me." Lisa turned her head and planted a kiss on Jungkook's cheek. She smiled faintly as she said, "Look, you saved me from danger again. You're my hero."

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