251.Give Up Your Room

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Thus, on the first day that Lisa returned to class, she carried her school bag and left early with Jungkook.

Yeri watched their retreating backs. No matter how dissatisfied she was, she had to silently accept it.

"Alright, stop looking." Unlike the angry Qiao Wei and Yeri, LeeYong could be said to be rather pleased with himself. He opened the car door with a smile and said, "Go back and tidy up a room with good lighting in the next few days. Make it Lisa's room."

A room with good lighting? Was Lisa worthy of that? Qiao Wei didn't even want to leave her a broom closet! Originally, Qiao Wei had been treated with disdain and rejection as a mistress. After so many years, her dark history had been buried with time. However, Lisa's return was simply a reminder to everyone that Qiao Wei looked bright and beautiful on the surface, but in reality, she was just a mistress that could not be seen in the light!

Qiao Wei's expression could not help but distort. She forced herself to lower her head and forced a smile. She said, "The rooms with good lighting in the house have already been taken and occupied. It's not good to change it all of a sudden, right?" Of course, the largest and best room in the house was the master bedroom. After that, it was Yeri's room and followed by the room of their youngest son, Lee Jie. The remaining rooms with the morning sun had also been converted into the study and Lee Jie's play room.

"We can't let our children move out of their rooms to give Lisa a place, right? As for the other rooms, they won't be ready so quickly." Qiao Wei tucked her hair behind her ear. She pretended to be virtuous and suggested, "Why don't we tidy up the best maid's room and decorate it briefly? Although the lighting might not be that good, the scenery is very good. It faces the small garden outside. I think Lisa will definitely like it."

"What are you saying? Lisa is the eldest daughter of our Lee family, how can she stay in the maid's room?!" Under the influence of his interests, Lee Yong had the image of a loving father who thought for his daughter. He frowned and said unhappily, "That's not appropriate!"

Lee Yong was only thinking about how to please Jungkook, thus, he overlooked the hatred in Yeri's eyes after hearing his words. Lisa was the eldest daughter of the Lee family, so what was she then? When her father said this, did he even consider her existence?! Yeri couldn't help but start to doubt whether the love he felt for her as a father for so many years was real or fake. Or even if he really did love her as her father, was his love still vulnerable in the face of benefits?

Qiao Wei also frowned unhappily, but her thoughts were much deeper than Yeri's. When she saw this, she smiled gently, "Yes, Hubby, you're indeed more thoughtful. Then, why don't we change it to a guest room?" Since she couldn't use the maid's room to disgust Lisa, then she would use the guest room. Even if Lisa could enter the Lee family, she was just a guest. She would never be able to enter the house as a Lee family member in her entire life!

Ever since Qiao Wei married into the Lee family, she had tacitly acknowledged that she was the only female master of the Lee family. Only the children she gave birth to could inherit the family's assets. No one else could even dream of snatching it!


"No, that won't do." Lee Yong frowned deeply. It was his instinct as a businessman to pursue profits and gains. With bountiful benefits dangling in front of him, he became a father who always thought of Lisa. He said, "After all, Lisa is the oldest daughter of a wealthy family. How about this, let Sisi give up her room first and have Sisi temporarily move into the maid's room." The more he said, the more Lee Yong felt that it was a good idea. He said to Yeri with an amiable face, "Sisi, since you don't stay at home that much anyway, why don't you take this opportunity and temporarily give her your room? When your sister leaves, you can move back, okay?"

Okay?! Of course not! That was the room that she had lived in since she was young. Why should she let Lisa, that b*tch, have it? ! Not only did Lisa steal her engagement, she also stole all of her limelight. Now, Lisa was going to steal her father and her room?! Yeri could not care less about maintaining her usual obedient and docile facade. She screamed and refused, "No! That's my room. Why should I let Lalisa, that b*tch, have it! I won't agree!"

Yeri could not help but shed tears, she looked at Lee Yong hatefully. She asked, "So you want Lisa now and not me, Daddy? She stole my dad's love away from me and wants to steal my room. What next? What else will she steal from me? Will she steal my clothes and jewelry and take everything I have? I don't agree! I absolutely won't agree to this!"

"Even if you don't agree, you still have to do it!" Lee Yong didn't expect Yeri to dare to refute him. He said angrily, "Everything you have now is given by me. It's not up to you whether you agree or not! This matter has been decided!"

"No!" Yeri's state of mind completely collapsed.

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