362.Ordinary Yet Confident

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"I, I know that you were just saying those words out of anger," Hanbin's face was pale as he stammered, "I know that I've done a lot of things wrong. Lisa, I was just captivated for a moment. I know my mistake now..."

"Shhh... I don't want to hear your fake apology," Lisa placed her index finger on her lips, interrupting Hanbin's words. Her voice was still clear even after using the microphone. There was an unconcealable coldness in her voice. "Hanbin, I told you long ago that I've never liked you. I'll tell you one last time. I've never had feelings for you." After she said that, there was some doubt in her tone, but there was also pity. "I'm very curious. Why are you so ordinary yet confident? How can you compare to Mr. Jeon? What makes you think I would give up on the Jungkook to be with you?"

It was ridiculous.

Seeing the disdain in Lisa's eyes, Hanbin felt like he had fallen into an ice cellar. At this moment, he felt like he was walking on an icy plain with no clothes. In an instant, his heart was cold.

Before Lisa could finish her words, she held the microphone and looked calmly at the media below the stage. "Mr. Jeon and I have an excellent relationship. I don't want anyone to disturb us, and I don't want this ridiculous farce to happen again. It will make me troubled and annoyed."


"No, it shouldn't be like this..." Hanbin screamed in pain, "Lisa, don't be like this. You're just saying this out of anger. I already know my mistake. Can you not be like this? Let's start again..." He was heartbroken and wondered why Lisa had to treat him like that.

"Brother Hanbin, didn't you hear what Lisa said? She trampled on your sincerity!" Nancy couldn't take it anymore. She pounced on him and cried, "she doesn't love you. Why do you still love her? What's so good about her? How am I not better than her? I've loved you for so many years!" Nancy's eyes filled with unwillingness and resentment. She spoke as she wept, "a woman like her is not worthy of your love at all, Brother Hanbin!"

"Don't you ever condemn Lisa!" Hanbin had gone insane. He fiercely pushed Nancy away, "you don't know her. Shut up!" Hanbin knew his mistake. He should not have backed down and compromised with his family again and again. Even when the internet was full of rumors about Lisa, even if he knew how much pressure Lisa was under, he still didn't dare to stand up and defend her. He didn't dare to protect Lisa firmly. But he felt it was human's nature to be afraid. Humans were not saints and sages. He thought he had made a mistake and Lisa should forgive him.

"Lisa, don't be angry," Hanbin struggled to get up from the ground and grabbed Lisa's skirt with a pleading face. He pleaded in a low voice, "I did something wrong, but I sincerely regret it. I apologize to you. If you're still unsatisfied, you can tell me what you want me to do. Please don't say such cruel words. It hurts my feelings, Lisa..."

"Are you deaf?" Lisa pulled her skirt from Hanbin's grip. She looked at Hanbin coldly. "How often do I have to say it before you hear me? You have never made me fall in love with you from the beginning to the end, and... If apologizing is useful, why do we need the police in this world?" She bent down and took the microphone away. She lowered her voice and said, "Lim Hanbin, do you think I will forgive you just because you apologize? No, I will never forgive you. Your current repentance is because your schemes and tricks did not succeed in winning my heart." Her eyes were clear and bright. It was as if she could see through all the filth in the world. "Would you stop and not touch me if Jungkook hadn't arrived in time at the Shen family's banquet? Would you not use such dirty methods to get me?"

Hanbin looked at Lisa in a daze. He knew what she was talking about Lee Yong tricking her into returning to the Shen family and drugging her. Hanbin asked himself if he would stop if Jungkook hadn't arrived in time. Hanbin wouldn't. Hanbin knew that doing so would bring Lisa into a bottomless abyss, but he agreed without hesitation. He said that he would treat Lisa well in the future. In the end, it was just that he loved her but couldn't get her. He would do anything to get her, and he could even use this to get the Jeon Corporation.

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