273.Heavily Injured or Even Die!

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Even if everything Lee Yong gave her was fake, she had to hold on to it! Yeri secretly made up her mind that she would definitely live a thousand times happier than Lisa!

Hearing Yeri's words, Lee Yong's muscles twitched. Yes, there was also the Kim family... the Kim family's influence was not weaker than the Ji family. Even if Sehun had not inherited the entire Kim Corporation and his position in the company was not even as high as Jennie's, but... the Kim group would belong to them sooner or later. In Lee Yong's opinion, no matter how outstanding Jennie was, it would not change the fact that she was a woman. All women had to get married, so the Kim group would not be handed over to Jennie. As for the other child of the Kim family, Kai, he was obsessed with his medical skills every day and was extremely busy in the hospital. Lee Yong did not know what was so good about working hard as a doctor.


Therefore, the Kim Corporation had to be handed over to Sehun sooner or later. Furthermore, Sehun was Yeri's boyfriend. In this way, the Kim Corporation would sooner or later belong to the Lee family.

With this thought, Lee Yong was suddenly enlightened. The expression on his face kept changing, and in the end, it turned into a loving and doting expression towards Yeri. "I was too angry just now. Yeri, you won't blame Daddy, right?" He sighed, like a remorseful father who had made a mistake. He caressed Yeri's face tenderly and gently said, "The company is something that I painstakingly grew into what it is today. Without the company, how will Daddy provide a comfortable life for you and Mommy? I was simply too anxious earlier."

"It's alright. I know that Daddy is actually worried about me too." Yeri revealed a very sensible smile and stretched out her hand to hold Lee Yong's arm. She said affectionately, "Don't worry, Daddy. I'm also a member of the family. I'll definitely do my best for the Lee family. I'll go find Sehun in a while and ask him to help us think of a solution."

"Good child." Lee Yong's face was full of relief.

"Look at you. When your temper comes up, no one can stop you." Qiao Wei also adjusted her mood. Seeing this, she went up and pretended to be angry. "If this happens one more time, I'll be angry with you. Look at Yeri's face, it's swollen..."

"If it really doesn't work out, there's no need to rush things. Yeri could rest at home for a few days." Lee Yong looked at Yeri's face, and regret appeared in his eyes. It was not that he regretted hitting Yeri, but that he should not have hit her face. He left a mark on her face, so she could not go to Sehun now. He sighed, "Quick, give Yeri some medicine. What if it leaves a scar? Wait until your face is healed before going to Sehun."

"I'm fine, Daddy." Yeri shook her head sensibly. "Daddy's matters are more important. Seeing my face like this, Sehun will only feel sorry for me. He won't dislike it." A good-looking face was indeed very useful, but sometimes, the appropriate amount of misery and weakness could stimulate a man's desire to protect.

Qiao Wei expressed her understanding and nodded in agreement. "Yeri has suffered so much this time. She should also let Sehun feel some heartache for her."


"She's really my good daughter. As expected of Daddy's pride." Lee Yong's face was full of relief. His eyes were filled with some deep affection as he looked at Qiao Wei. He said gently, "I also have to thank you for giving birth to a good daughter for me."


The family of three in the messy home revealed a smile with different thoughts. On the surface, they looked harmonious and warm. As for the undercurrents below, their thoughts were deeply hidden from each other.

It was not until the sky darkened that Lisa slowly woke up. Her eyes were alert as she sat up without hesitation. Her eyes were filled with violence and killing intent as she grabbed the cup of water on the bedside table.

"Crash!" Lisa directly threw away the quilt on her body. She grabbed the sharp broken glass and rushed towards the black shadow by the bed. She did not show any mercy and aimed straight at that person's fragile neck. It could be imagined that if this person was stabbed, this person would be severely injured even if he did not die.

The person reacted quickly and nimbly dodged Lisa's attack. His large palm grabbed her wrist and pulled her whole body. Lisa's body was still affected by the drug, so she was a little weak. Her weak body was directly hugged by the black shadow. The black shadow even buried his head on her shoulder and took a deep breath!

Lisa's eyes were bloodshot. She instinctively wanted to raise her leg to kick him, but a familiar cold fragrance suddenly wafted into the tip of her nose. It was cold and distant, just like the person she had been longing for. She was stunned, and her mind instinctively relaxed. Then she realized that this hug made her feel extremely safe and gentle. She subconsciously snuggled into the embrace.

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