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"I... I didn't mean that. I was afraid you'd be cold..." The milk tea that she had just delivered was scalding hot. It splashed on Miyeon's leg, causing her to feel a bone-piercing pain in her toes. However, Miyeon didn't dare to shout in pain. Tears rolled in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I, I won't make the same mistake again next time."

"Next time? There won't be any chance for you anymore!" Yeri looked at her coldly, "useless trash. You can't even do such a simple thing well. Get lost quickly. Don't ever appear in front of me again!" The commotion they caused wasn't small. The rest of the crew looked over. Sensing everyone's gaze, Lei Bing felt her head ache. No matter how displeased she was with Yeri, she would not do something which wouldn't benefit herself. She tried to smooth things over. "Miyeon, look at you. Why are you still so clumsy? Luckily, you didn't spill it on Yeri. Otherwise, what if she got hurt, and it would delay the filming progress?" Lei Bing shook her head helplessly. Then, she bent down to check on Miyeon's condition. "Look at how clumsy you are. Did you get burned? Is it serious?"

"Miss Lei Bing, I didn't..." Miyeon tried to say something, but her eyes met Lei Bing's. Lei Bing was trying to shut her up. Miyeon felt wronged. She lowered her head and apologized, "I'm fine. I'm sorry, Yeri. I'll pay more attention in the future."

Seeing that Miyeon admitted it, everyone in the crew rolled their eyes and quickly stopped paying attention to them. Miyeon looked at the dark milk tea stains on her newly bought sports shoes and wanted to cry even more.

"Cry! Cry! Cry! All you know how to do is cry!" Yeri was already in a bad mood. When she saw Miyeon's expression, she became even angrier, "You feel wronged? Get lost now! A useless person like you can do nothing."

"Yeri, don't be angry. I'll take Miyeon away right now," Lei Bing smiled as she comforted, "alright, the temporary assistant will be here tomorrow. It's not worth it being angry over such a small matter."

"It's annoying to see Miyeon's stupid face!" Yeri did not feel that she was at fault. She sat back on the chair and said coldly, "Leave! Leave me alone."

Lei Bing did not say anything more. She pulled Miyeon's arm and said goodbye to Wu Yu before leaving the shooting venue. After walking out of the main door, Miyeon let out a sigh of relief. Again, the look of grievance filled her heart, "Miss Lei Bing, thank you. You're such a good person. I'm so grateful for what you have done!" She was extremely grateful to Lei Bing and thanked her profusely. As she thanked Lei Bing, she could not help but sob. "I, I tried hard, but no matter what I did, Yeri was not satisfied. Miss Lei Bing, I will work hard to repay you. Thank you."

Miyeon had just graduated from university and had become Yeri's assistant. She had never thought that work would be such a suffocating thing. Now that she had finally left the crew, she felt a sense of relief. Her eyes turned red, and she cried even louder.

Miyeon was naive. She did not know the world was cruel. She also did not realize sometimes some people would be kind to you on the surface but harm you silently.

"Alright, stop crying," Seeing Miyeon was crying non-stop, Lei Bing frowned impatiently, "Yeri is hot-tempered. She doesn't have any bad intentions. Don't take it to heart. You have worked hard during this time. The company will give you a leave notice. You can take a paid leave for some time and relax properly."

Miyeon did not expect such additional compensation. She quickly nodded. "Thank you, Miss Lei Bing!" She was even more grateful to Lei Bing.

Lei Bing accepted Miyeon's thanks calmly and asked Miyeon to leave in a cab first. After Miyeon Left, Lei Bing took a small USB from her bag. She smiled. Miyeon could not blame her for this. Miyeon was a fool she could use as a scapegoat for everything she did. It was inevitable that such a person would become her stepping stone.

The next day, the new assistant reported to the crew. The new assistant's name was Song Yuqi, and she was a chubby girl with dark skin and a taciturn appearance. Yeri frowned in disdain. Coincidentally, she was going to shoot a scene in the rain. Yeri held the script and ordered Yuqi, "It will be too cold to shoot this scene. I don't want to film it. Go and tell Director Wu Yu to use a stunt. Do you know how to deal with it?"

"Don't worry, Yeri. I can deal with this," Yuqi nodded and patted her chest firmly, "leave it to me!"

The Crippled Boss's Outstanding Substitute Wife | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now