310.Working Together to Save People

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If it wasn't for the bad timing, Lisa really wanted to suggest that Joy go get a brain scan.


"Don't you pretend to be reasonable with me here. If you're really so kind, why don't you give Jungkook to me?!" Joy had already gone crazy, and she kept repeating this sentence.

When many news media heard the news, they all carried their cameras up to capture the first-hand news. Seeing so many cameras, Joy lost it. She was already so embarrassed today, but Jungkook wouldn't even lie to her. Then, wouldn't her actions today become a complete joke?

How could it be like this... she had lost all her face, but she didn't get anything.

"Lisa, let me tell you, if I die today, it's all because of you!" Joy's eyes were full of hatred as she stared at Lisa with wide eyes. Her eyes were red as she shouted, "It will all be because of you! Because you snatched Jungkook away and refused to give him to me, that's why I will die! Aren't you afraid of having nightmares when you dream in the middle of the night? The rich life that you want, the marriage that you stole from others, caused me to lose my life! Lisa, even if I die, I will not let you off!" Her expression was crazed. She really looked crazy.

Joy's hands left the railing and she laughed maniacally. "Lisa, just you wait! I want to see how you're going to live happily after you've caused me to lose my life! I won't let you off!"

"Sooyoung!" Mrs. Park had a bad feeling. Her eyes were red as she shouted, "Sooyoung, don't do anything extreme! Mommy is begging you. Please come down, okay? Didn't you want Jungkook? Mommy is going to beg him. Don't do anything extreme..."

"Come down quickly!" Mr. Park was so scared that his whole body was trembling. He wanted to run forward to stop Joy, but because he was too nervous, his leg muscles stiffened and he fell to the ground. This man who had been famous in the business world for decades had tears streaming down his face and his face was full of pain.

Looking at her parents' sorrowful looks, Joy felt a sense of inexplicable joy and a sense of pain. Was this what she wanted? She couldn't help but start to doubt herself. Was what she was doing really right? But whether it was right or not, she had no way out now. Without Jungkook's love, what meaning was there in living? Her life couldn't be exchanged for anything!

Thinking of this, Joy suddenly raised her head and looked straight at the media cameras. Her eyes were filled with deep hatred. "I want everyone to remember that the reason why I am going to die today is all because of Lalisa! She is a thief who stole Jungkook!"


Seeing that Joy was completely focused on venting her hatred, Lisa turned her head and gestured slightly at Jungkook. She knew that Jungkook's skills were much stronger than hers, and she also believed in his reaction and the tacit understanding between the two of them.

Jungkook's eyes were cold. If he had a choice, he really didn't want to save Joy, but if this was what Lisa wanted to do, then he was willing to cooperate.

Thus, Lisa let go of Jungkook's hand. While everyone's attention was on Joy, she circled to the other side and gradually approached her from an angle that Joy couldn't see. Jungkook walked in the opposite direction and didn't hide too much. Step by step, he walked towards Joy.

Joy was still roaring with a heart-wrenching anger. When Jungkook was about to approach her, she suddenly realized, "Jungkook!" Her eyes instantly lit up, she looked at him expectantly. "Jungkook, have you changed your mind? Do you believe my love for you? Jungkook, i..."


Lisa's eyes narrowed. She exerted force with her feet and flipped over the railing between the two of them, shortening the distance between her and Joy in an instant. With lightning speed, she rushed over and grabbed Joy's arm.

"Ah! Let go of me!" Joy jumped in fright. She screamed subconsciously, her sharp nails tightly clutching Lisa's arm. Lisa's expression didn't change. She placed one hand on her back and pulled her forward with force. In the blink of an eye, the two of them left the edge of the rooftop.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden change in situation. For a moment, they stood on the spot, unable to react.

"What are you all standing there for instead of saving people?!" Jungkook quickly stepped forward.

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