308.Her Alone

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"It's true! Of course it's true!" Mrs. Park's eyes lit up and she nodded desperately. "Mommy has never lied to you, right? Sooyoung, come down quickly."

"Daddy too?" Joy turned to look at her father and said firmly, "I want Daddy to promise me as well."

President Park looked at his daughter, who had a crazed look on her face, and nodded with pain in his eyes. "Okay, Daddy promises you. Come down quickly." This man who had been in high spirits all his life seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. He was very regretful. He even doubted his own actions. He shouldn't have been so angry, and he shouldn't have forced his daughter. Otherwise, his daughter wouldn't have done this.

"That's good!" After getting an affirmative answer from her parents, Joy didn't even look at the pained faces of the two elders. She pointed excitedly at Jungkook and said, "I want to be with Jungkook. I want Jungkook to divorce that b*tch Lalisa! Jungkook is mine. He can only be mine for the rest of his life!"

"In your dreams!" Jungkook's expression instantly turned cold. "I will only have one wife in this life. I definitely won't be with you."

"Sooyoung, Mr. Jeon is already married." Mrs. Park was also stunned. She couldn't help but say, "Can you change your request?"

The Park family had just returned to S City. Under the suppression of the three big shots in S City, they were struggling to develop. Not to mention that the Park family's influence was inferior to when they were overseas, but even if their influence was very strong, they had no right to force others to divorce and marry someone else.

"Didn't you say that I can have anything I want?" Joy went crazy again when she heard this. She looked at her parents with red eyes as she said with resentment, "You lied to me! Even you lied to me! Then why am I still alive? I might as well jump down and die!" As she said that, she suddenly took a step back and half of her leg hung outside the rooftop.

"No!" Mr. Park and Mrs. Park screamed in fear, their faces pale.

"I'm not lying to you. How could daddy and Mommy lie to you?" Mrs. Park's face was full of tears as she sobbed, "Sooyoung, don't be rash. Mommy will promise you."

Mr. Park clenched his fists at the side. Mrs. Park pulled him back and roared, "What are you doing? Are you really going to force our daughter to death?"

Mr. Park struggled for a moment before he finally sighed helplessly. "Alright, Daddy will also promise you what you want... Daddy will do whatever it takes to do it for you."

Jungkook frowned slightly. Lisa had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Mr. Jeon." Mr. Park's eyes were slightly red. He looked at this young man who was much younger than him and pleaded, "I beg you to save Sooyoung..." his voice was hoarse. He was almost unable to speak. "Sooyoung is infatuated with you. It's my fault... It's all my fault..." his resolute face revealed a hint of old age. He beat his chest with regret and sadness. "It's my fault. After I saw that Mr. Jeon's legs were crippled, I stopped Sooyoung from seeing you. If Mr. Jeon wants to blame someone, then blame me. It's my fault for being harsh and heartless. I'm the villain. Sooyoung has always been deeply in love with you, Mr. Jeon. Please don't hold a grudge against her."

"Jungkook, marrying you has been Sooyoung's dream since young," Mrs. Park said from the side, she sobbed as tears fell from her eyes. "I know that our request is too much, but this is a human life! I only hope that you can give Sooyoung a chance and not be so cold to her."

Lisa bit her lip. Indeed, this was a human life. At a time like this, it seemed inappropriate for her to say anything.

"Don't say anymore." Jungkook frowned, and his side profile looked cold . "Mr. Park, Miss Park's life is her own. There's no reason for me to pay for Miss Park's impulsiveness and irrationality, don't you think so?"

"But, Sooyoung has never been..." Mr. Park opened his mouth.

"I think there's something Mr. Park hasn't figured out. I don't care what Miss Park's attitude was like when I broke my legs." Jungkook's eyes were cold, and his tone was indifferent. "I don't care what kind of feelings she has for me. Time won't go back. I won't imagine what would have happened if the person who married me that day wasn't her. There are no ifs in this world."

Jungkook held Lisa's hand and said word by word, "I only know that the person I married is called Lee Lalisa. I've only acknowledged her as my wife in my life, and I won't change it no matter what."

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