265.Don't Think I Don't Dare to Slap You

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After observing Qiao Wei's expression, Lisa said with a smile, "Children need to be taught while they're still young. As a child, he is already able to hit me. When he grows up, he will be able to hit others. It's fine if he hits his own family members, but if he hits others and causes a problem, won't he be imprisoned? A good life can't be ruined like this. So, don't spare the rod and spoil the child." Her tone was sincere and she looked as if she was thinking of Lee Jie. "In my opinion, you have to teach him well from now on. If he doesn't listen, hit him. If he does it again, hit him again. What do you think, Mr. Lee?"

Lisa kept saying that Lee Jie would be imprisoned for breaking the law, or that he would be ruined for the rest of his life. Every well-meaning word she said made Qiao Wei's facial expression look ferocious. Lee Yong's face did not look too good either, but he still forced a smile. He replied, "Yes, you're right. Lee Jie is too capricious because we spoiled him. He needs to be taught a good lesson."

"Do you think so too, Ms. Qiao?" Lisa was not satisfied with Lee Yong's affirmation. She even turned to look at Qiao Wei with a taunting look in her eyes. She asked, "You won't blame me for hitting your son, will you?"

"Of course not." Qiao Wei gritted her teeth. Her expression was twisted for a moment. Then, she forced a smile and said, "I will discipline Lee Jie well from now on."

These two people pretended to be polite for the sake of gaining benefits. However, Lee Jie did not understand the twists and turns. He only felt that his parents did not love him anymore. His eyes were filled with tears and he screamed, "You two are so bad. I hate you all!" After he roared, he opened the door and rushed out without wearing his shoes.

"Xiao Jie, where are you going?" Qiao Wei was anxious. She got up and wanted to chase after him.

"Come back." Lee Yong's face was dark and there was a hint of gloominess. "He's a big child now. How can he be lost? You are not allowed to go after him."

"But he hasn't eaten yet..." Qiao Wei's heart jumped. Facing Lee Yong's gaze, she could only turn around. Then, she forced a smile and held Lisa's hand. She said, "Forget it, a child's temper is like that. The tantrum comes quickly but also goes away quickly. Come, Lisa, let's go eat. Don't bother about him."

'She's still able to hold back her anger?' Lisa raised her eyebrows and smiled as she dodged Qiao Wei's hand. Lisa replied, "Alright, let's go over to the dining room now." She wanted to see what Lee Yong was planning to do since he sacrificed himself to this extent and didn't even care about his own son.

After Lisa sat down, the servants of the Lee family methodically served the dishes. Lee Yong took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for Lisa, he gently said, "Lisa, I know that you've been dissatisfied with me as your father. I also know that I haven't done well as your father in the past few years. Now that you have grown up, I've also gotten older." This strong man showed a hint of old age and fragility, which was a rare sight. Then, he raised his wine glass and said, "If you are willing to give me a chance, how about having a drink with me?"


Lisa held her wine glass and looked at Lee Yong with a complicated expression. In the past, how long had she been looking forward to this scene? Every time she was too tired from living outside and almost couldn't persevere after learning so many skills in order to live, she would hold onto the thought of making Lee Yong regret in the future. Then, she would persevere through it time and time again. However, the thing that she had not been able to do after working so hard for so long was so easily obtained after marrying Jungkook.

On what basis? On what basis could Lee Yong easily put aside all the pain that she had suffered?

"I'm sorry, my stomach has not been feeling well recently. The doctor does not allow me to drink." Lisa shook the wine glass and put it down calmly. Then, she said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you to drink this glass of wine today, Mr. Lee." There was a smile on her face, but her eyes were unusually cold. Her cold eyes fell on Lee Yong's face, without the slightest expression.

Lee Yong's heart skipped a beat. He could not describe the complicated feelings in his heart at this moment. Lisa, this daughter of his, seemed to really feel nothing for him.

"Lisa, don't be ungrateful!" Yeri slammed the table as if she could not stand it anymore. "Father has already lowered his head. What more do you want? You're his daughter, do you want him to kneel down and beg for your forgiveness?"

"Is that so? Unfortunately, I don't want to forgive him even if he kneels down." Lisa looked at her with a smile. She continued, "Yeri, have you forgotten what I told you? Don't think that I wouldn't dare to slap you at the dinner table."

Yeri's face turned pale, and her cheeks started to hurt faintly.

"Yeri, that's not the way to speak to your older sister." Qiao Wei had a gentle look on her face as she patted Yeri's hand. Then, Qiao Wei turned around and tried to persuade Lisa. She said, "Lisa, Yeri is doing this for your own good. A family should not speak to each other in such a distant manner. Your father has already admitted his mistake. Can you at least give your father a chance to change?"

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